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词汇 决定
例句 After consulting with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part.征求过女儿兼经纪人的意见后,她决定出演这个角色。The team doctor took the decision to pull him out.队医决定让他退赛。The committee presumed that its decisions would be carried out.委员会相信他们的决定将被付诸实施。She's at peace with their decision. 她接受了他们的决定The council has decided to roof over the open-air swimming pool.政务委员会决定给露天游泳池装上顶盖。Their final decision dissatisfied everyone.他们最终的决定让每个人都不满意。Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company.艾爾因需在月底前决定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感压力。That decision was sheer stupidity.那个决定是十分愚蠢的。The organization has decided to decentralize.这个组织已决定将权力下放。Why don't you get a TV repairman to have a look at it before you buy a new one?你为什么不找个电视修理工来看一下再决定是否买一台新电视呢?The politician decided to up the ante with a courterproposal.那位政客决定加码,提出反建议。I was very relaxed about the decision.对这一决定我丝毫不感到紧张。I think you should take the job, but of course it's entirely up to you.我认为你应该接受这份工作,但当然这事全由你自己来决定The police have decided to expand their investigation.警方决定扩大调查范围。The decision was a hammer blow for the coal industry.这一决定对煤炭工业是个沉重的打击。I was stupefied by their decision.他们的决定把我惊呆了。This decision marked a fundamental transformation in policy.这一决定标志着政策发生了根本性的转变。She never stopped to consider how her decision might affect others.她从未停下来想想她的决定会怎样影响他人。Look at your skills objectively when deciding on a career change.决定改行时要客观地考虑自己的技能。We'll toss a coin to see who does the wash.我们将掷币决定谁来洗衣服。Someone made a rude noise, which the teacher decided to ignore.有人发出刺耳的声音,老师决定置之不理。The decision weighs heavy on my mind. 这个决定沉重地压在我心头,让我焦虑不安。The issue will be decided under the aegis of an international organization.这个问题将在国际组织的指导下决定The organization seems to have become a one-man band with just one person making all the decisions.那个组织似乎变成了个一人乐队,所有的决定都是一个人说了算。He decided to scour the sink.决定把水池擦干净。When asked about his decision, he got very defensive.当被问及他的决定时,他表现得戒备心很强。It will be for you to decide what action you should take.你应该采取什么行动由你自己来决定Jacob decided to go for broke and gave up his job to become a writer.雅各布决定孤注一掷,辞职当作家。He knew he would not win the election, so he decided to bow out of the presidential race.他知道不会赢得选举,所以决定退出总统竞选。Civic leaders are delighted at the decision to hold the national competition in Atlanta.市领导对于在亚特兰大举行全国性比赛的决定感到很欣喜。Mr Rose defended the committee's decision to publish the report early.罗斯先生为委员会早早公布那份报告的决定进行了辩解。I don't mind which restaurant we go to. You decide.我不介意去哪家饭店。你来决定吧。Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.露丝的父母决定在家里对她进行集中教育。The decision makes greater demands of the broadcaster.这一决定对广播员的要求更高了。We made the decision in consultation with the union members.我们与工会的成员们磋商后作出了决定She decided to carry on working after having the baby.决定生了小孩后继续工作。The professors act as gatekeepers who determine which students are admitted into the competetive engineering program.教授有权决定那些学生可以参加竞争激烈的工程项目。The burglary was probably carried out by an opportunist thief who noticed the door was open.入屋盗窃的可能是一个看到门开着就决定撞一下运气的小偷。He had lost interest in the match but was determined to see it out.他对这场比赛已不感兴趣,但仍决定看到比赛结束。She made the fateful decision to go back home to face her mother.她做出了回家面对母亲的重大决定




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