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词汇 冠冕堂皇
例句 Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are tense.冠冕堂皇的言辞背后,他和军队的关系实则处于紧张状态。Both sides in the dispute have been adopting a tone of moral righteousness.纠纷双方说起话来都是冠冕堂皇He'll have some good reason for being late, I'll be bound!我敢肯定,他一定会为迟到找出点什么冠冕堂皇的理由。One approach is to cloak the subject in highfalutin words and obscure concepts.一种办法是用冠冕堂皇的言辞和模棱两可的概念来掩饰这个话题。Visiting his aunt was only the official motive.探望姑妈仅仅是冠冕堂皇的动因。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。Whether they can live up to their campaign rhetoric remains to be seen.他们是否能实践竞选时发表的冠冕堂皇的诺言尚待日后分晓。How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.总统在大选中作出的冠冕堂皇的承诺能够兑现多少尚待观察。




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