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词汇 简化
例句 The new system is an attempt to streamline the decision-making process.这一新系统是简化决策过程的一次尝试。He devised a plan to simplify the complex social security system.他设计了一个方案以简化复杂的社会保障体系。The booklet presents information about the project in a predigested form and explains things in an easy, non-technical way.这本小册子以简化的形式提供了该项目的信息,以通俗易懂的方式进行了解释。He had to water down the lecture for the younger students.为了照顾低年级学生,他只好简化讲座内容。A roomful of wiring and circuits can now be reduced to a tiny computer chip.满屋子的线路和电路现在可以简化为一块小小的计算机芯片。We need to streamline the process for new drug approval.我们需要简化新药物的审批程序。Simplifying my poems means reducing them to essences, stripping them as much as possible of excess baggage and getting down to the basic issues.简化我的诗歌就要将其浓缩至精华,尽量删去冗余的词句,一语中的。He tried to simplify the story for the younger audience.在讲给年龄较小的听众听时,他尽可能地简化这个故事。They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures.他们称鉴于他们已经简化了申请手续,情况应该会有所好转。Apple is going to streamline its operations and concentrate development efforts on the Internet and multimedia.苹果公司打算简化其业务并集中开发互联网和多媒体技术。The new computer has made it possible to streamline our data processing operations.新的电脑使我们能够简化数据处理的操作。More needs to be done to simplify the process of registering to vote.需要进一步简化投票注册程序。Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.人人都赞成简化法庭程序。They reenact a simplified portion of the stock market in a computer.它们在计算机中重新制定股票市场的一个简化部分。In an effort to avoid further delays, the delivery process has been simplified.投递过程被简化以免再耽搁。The government is planning to simplify the tax laws.政府计划简化税法。The course seeks to demystify the loan application process for people buying a home for the first time.这一举措是为了简化首次购房者申请贷款的手续。The computer has simplified the difficult task of teaching reading to the deaf.电脑简化了教聋人阅读这一艰巨的工作。You can reduce long explanations to simple charts or diagrams.你可以把冗长的解释简化成一目了然的图表。The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.宇宙的构造或许并不能简化为一个物理问题。We are operating with fewer layers of management.我们现在的管理层简化了。He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system.他在税制上作了些简化We need to streamline the bureaucracy handicapping the small business community.我们需要简化不利于小企业的官僚制度。The model must radically simplify a complex and changing world.这个模型必须极大地简化纷繁多变的现实世界。Like any such diagram, it is a simplification.像其他这种表格一样,这是简化了的。He endeavored to streamline the plant organization.他努力使工厂组织简化而更有效地运作。Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.她的研究基于语言可以简化这样一个假设。The restructuring will take place in phases, to simplify the implementation process.为了简化实施进程,重建工作将分阶段进行。We have done everything we can to simplify the procedure.我们已经尽可能把手续简化了。We need clearer regulations, but you can't trust the government to simplify anything.我们需要更加明确的法规,但不能相信政府会简化任何东西。The whole university admissions procedure has been simplified.大学的整个录取手续都简化了。The technology has been simplified so that anyone can use it.这项技术已经得到简化,任何人都能使用。The law needs to be simplified.这部法律需要简化These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.这些数据是简化过的,实际情况要比这复杂得多。These gadgets do simplify food preparation, but are they really worth the money?这些小东西确实简化了准备食物的过程,但是真值那么多钱吗?Voters are pushing for simplification of the tax code.选民们正在努力推动简化税码。The forms have been simplified.表格已经简化了。You're reducing religion to a list of do's and don'ts.你正在把宗教信仰简化成行为守则清单。People are calling for steps to reform the juvenile justice system, including streamlining the process of prosecuting young offenders.人们在呼吁采取措施改革青少年司法体系,包括简化起诉少年犯的程序。They reduce the very process of consultation to a charade.他们把磋商的过程简化成了走过场。




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