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词汇 军队
例句 The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities.委员会理应谴责军队的诸多暴行。By arresting the organisation's two top leaders the government and the army have now raised the stakes.逮捕了该组织的两名主要头目后,政府和军队现在面临的风险更大了。The guerrillas fell back across the border after a brief battle with the army.游击队和军队短暂交火后就撤回到边境线的另一边。The army besieged the castle.军队包围了这座城堡。He has given up political power, but he remains securely in control of the army.他放弃了政治权力,但仍然牢牢掌握着军队的控制权。The governor has called out troops to help control the riot.州长已调动军队协助控制骚乱。His death dealt a severe blow to the army's morale.他的死严重打击了军队的士气。The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command.领导层瘫痪导致军队没有最高指挥。The army has regained the city.军队收复这座城市。His military service was deferred until he finished college.他去军队服役被推迟到念完大学。The army was demoralized by defeat.这支军队因败北而士气低落。Who answers for the Irish parliament? Or army either?谁对爱尔兰议会负责? 谁又对军队负责?A bomb exploded at an army recruiting office.一颗炸弹在一个军队征兵办公室爆炸了。The army will soon make a man out of you.军队不久将会把你培养成男子汉。Army attorneys argued for a general discharge.军队的律师主张判一般退伍。The Army has detailed him to investigate the complaints.军队指派他去调查投诉。When the army began killing civilians in the town, he was able to escape through the jungle.军队开始屠杀镇上平民时,他得以从丛林逃脱了。The army has recently been brought in to restore order.最近军队被调来重整秩序。Invading armies wasted the countryside.入侵的军队蹂躏乡村。The government had to mobilize the army quickly.政府不得不很快地把军队动员起来。Rebels have so far offered little opposition to advancing troops.叛军对前进的军队至今没有进行什么抵抗。The army made an aggressive thrust towards / toward the front line.军队朝前线发起攻击。The army battled for control of the bridge.军队为取得那座桥的控制权而战。As the conflict grew worse, troops waited in readiness at the borders.随着冲突加剧,军队已在边境严阵以待。Israel was reported to be offering guidance to the army on controlling civil disturbances.据报道,以色列在指导军队控制国内骚乱。They didn't garrison any troops there.他们没有派军队在那里驻防。A military spokesman explained why the army went in last month.一位军方发言人解释了军队上个月开进去的原因。Troops will be helicoptered in to seize Iraqi bases.军队将乘直升机进入伊拉克以攻占其军事基地。In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.政变结果是军队向游行示威者开火了。He accused the troops of the indiscriminate massacre of civilians.他控告军队滥杀平民。Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突。On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.该国议会于周二投票决定建立自己的军队He was arrested for shooting at an army patrol.他因为向一支巡逻军队开枪而被逮捕。The army remained loyal to the president.军队仍然效忠于总统。The country's not inconsiderable army was mobilized.该国规模不小的军队动员了起来。Soldiers, policemen, and the like were all called in to help with the emergency.军队、警察等都奉召来应付这一突发事件。Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.有人指控军队中存在暴行和盗窃行为。NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.北大西洋公约组织计划缩减派往该地区的军队数量。The army's actions dirtied its reputation.这支军队的行为败坏了自己的名声。The defeated army slunk back to its strongholds in the mountains.被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。




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