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词汇 冒出
例句 A cigarette was wisping smoke at the corner of his mouth.一支卷烟正在他嘴角冒出缕缕青烟。We were surprised by the appearance of smoke in the distance.远处冒出的烟雾使我们感到惊讶。Smoke belched from the factory chimneys beside the river.河边那家工厂的烟囱里冒出滚滚浓烟。The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。I just let my imagination run wild and come up with as many ideas as I can.我只是信马由缰地去想象,让脑海里冒出尽可能多的想法。The thought did occur to me.我确实冒出了这个念头。The manual occasionally lapses into incomprehensible jargon.这本指南偶尔冒出些令人费解的行话。There was a small bang, and then a puff of blue smoke.一声很小的爆响之后,冒出了一股青烟。The volcano was fuming thick black smoke.火山正在冒出浓浓的黑烟。Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide information for travelers.一时间冒出了许多为旅行人士提供信息的网站。A thermal spring bubbled up out of the rocks.温泉从岩石间汩汩冒出Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.冒出几句德语并不足为奇。毕竟那是她的母语。It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.那时正值早春,树上开始冒出新叶。The perspiration broke out on his forehead.他额上冒出了汗。Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and she trembled visibly.她额头上冒出了一颗颗汗珠,身体抖得厉害。All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke.突然传来惊天动地一声响,还冒出一股烟。The smokestacks poured out thick clouds of black smoke.大烟囱里冒出滚滚黑烟。She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.她冷眼打量着他,眼睛冒出憎恨的光。The boiler was puffing thick black smoke.锅炉一股股地冒出浓黑烟。Tiny drops of sweat appeared on her forehead.她的前额冒出了一滴滴汗珠。A burning green stick sputters out smoke.一根燃烧着的青枝会劈劈啪啪地冒出烟来。Smoke rose from the chimney.烟从烟囱里冒出The chimneys gave off thick, black smoke.烟囱里冒出浓浓黑烟。Droplets of sweat were welling up on his forehead.他的额头上冒出细密的汗珠。There was smoke billowing out of the windows.窗户里冒出滚滚浓烟。Questions started buzzing round in my head.我脑子里冒出一个个的问题。Vegetarian restaurants and health food shops are springing up in every high street.每条大街上都冒出很多素食餐馆和保健食品店。The fire sent clouds of smoke up into the sky.大火冒出滚滚浓烟冲向天空。I saw fumes rising from the rubbish dump.我看见垃圾堆冒出烟雾。Smoke was pouring out of the upstairs windows.烟从楼上的窗户里滚滚冒出Smoke was used to simulate steam coming from a smashed radiator.用烟来模仿从撞碎的暖气片里冒出的蒸汽。A figure appeared on a nearby rooftop.不远处的屋顶上冒出了一个人影。New shoots appear near the parent plant.那株亲代植物附近冒出了新枝。He had a tendency to run off at the mouth and come up with some pretty outlandish ideas.他总是喋喋不休,并时常冒出一些稀奇古怪的想法。Keep the bulbs in a cool dark place until shoots appear.把球茎置于阴凉处直至冒出新芽。The woman poured out a torrent of Italian.那个女子冒出一连串意大利语。A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint.她的额头上冒出一串汗珠,她以为自己可能会晕过去。Life has a habit of springing surprises.生活中往往会冒出意想不到的事情。The egg cracked open and out popped a tiny head.蛋裂开了,里面冒出了一个小脑袋。Sweat oozed from his forehead and trickled down his cheeks.汗珠从他额上冒出并慢慢顺面颊淌下。




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