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词汇 china
例句 Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.不过,这能让他停下来,不再到处瞎碰乱撞。Choose candles that will tone in with your tablecloth and china.要挑选与你的桌布和瓷器协调的蜡烛。Get out your best china and crystal.把你最好的瓷器和水晶玻璃器皿都拿出来吧。The china arrived all in one piece, thank God.瓷器运到时全部都完好无损,谢天谢地。She got out the best china for the visitors.她拿出了最好的瓷器来招待客人。This china is so fine and delicate that it's translucent.这件瓷器做工精细,晶莹剔透。She bought an exquisite china figurine.她买了一尊小巧而精致的瓷塑像。They packed the glass and china for us, but they did it very badly and a lot of stuff got broken.他们为我们把玻璃杯和瓷器包起来,可他们包得很马虎,许多都碎裂了。She accidentally broke our coffee pot, she really is like a bull in a china shop.她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了,她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人。A piece of china crunched under my foot.我踩碎了一块瓷片。She laid the table with the best china.她在桌子上摆了最精美的瓷器。The tea was served in delicate china cups.茶泡在易碎的瓷杯中被端了上来。The china cabinet was filled with expensive dishes.瓷器柜里满是贵重的器皿。Bone china is strong and durable.骨灰瓷坚固耐用。Please put the china away carefully.请将这些瓷器仔细收好。Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.尽管如此,这将会让他不再像个冒失鬼一样到处横冲直撞了。We told her it was a delicate situation but she went into the meeting like a bull in a china shop.我们告诉她情况非常微妙,但她开会时还是冒冒失失的。This china is reserved for special occasions.这件瓷器是为特殊场合预留的。The china set was blue with a gold rim.这套瓷器是蓝色的,镶有一道金边。Use a glue gun to form a strong bond on wood or china.用喷胶枪使木头或瓷器牢固地黏合起来。A glass-fronted cabinet displayed a collection of china.玻璃面展柜中陈列着瓷器藏品。We drank Turkish coffee out of dainty china cups.我们用精致的小瓷杯喝土耳其咖啡。They carefully packed the fragile china into cartons.他们小心地将易碎瓷器装入纸箱。The blazing fire illuminated the china ornaments above the hearth.熊熊的火光照亮着壁炉上方的瓷器饰品。The china needs to be packaged properly.瓷器需要包装得当。As a politician, he was a bull in a china shop and often had to apologize for his rough speech.作为从政者,他有点鲁莽,经常得为自己的草率言论道歉。There are no imperfections in this china.这件瓷器没有瑕疵。This piece of china is beyond my purse.这件瓷器我买不起。She uses her good china when she has company for dinner.有宾客来吃饭时,她就用质量好的瓷餐具。Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery.桌上摆放着白色瓷器和镶着金边的银制餐具。She had already chosen the china pattern and table linen for their new house.她已经为他们的新家选好了瓷器样式和桌布。The china dish lay in pieces on the floor.瓷盘碎片散落在地上。Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.我们的陶瓷制品既可现货购买,也可委托制作。She carefully replaced the china plate on the shelf.她小心翼翼地把瓷盘放回到架子上。The tiny china doll was exquisitely ornate.那个小巧的瓷娃娃装饰得很细致漂亮。Valuable pieces of china were on display in a glass-fronted cabinet.贵重瓷器陈列在正面是玻璃的柜子里。When my grandmother died, I inherited a complete set of Dresden china.祖母去世后,我继承了一套德累斯顿细瓷器。Judy collects blue and white china.朱蒂收集青花瓷餐具。She affects old furniture and china.她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。




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