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词汇 再也不能
例句 No more will these companies be able to copy drugs developed elsewhere.这些公司再也不能仿制别人研制的药物了。My legs refused to carry me further.我的腿再也不能往前跑了。Her power over me is finished.再也不能向我发号施令了。The children were too tired to walk any farther.孩子们太累了,再也不能向前走了。He was unwilling to accept that he could no longer play as he once had.他不愿意相信自己再也不能像从前那样打球了。He suffered from poor eyesight and could no longer read properly.他视力不好,再也不能正常阅读了。He could no longer act as a free agent.再也不能自由行动了。The wool was in such a tangle as to be useless.毛线纠结成这等模样,再也不能用了。The church no longer has a strong grip on the population.教会再也不能强有力地控制民众了。An accident disabled him from playing football.一次事故使他再也不能踢足球了。I can't do anything of my own free will any more.再也不能按自己的意愿做任何事情了。The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image.这些语句已经被用烂,再也不能引起生动鲜明的想象了。The President could no longer turn a blind eye to the indiscretions of his Chief of Staff.总统再也不能对参谋长的不检点行为熟视无睹了。He could not work in these conditions any longer.再也不能在这样的条件下工作了。I could not go on living with a man who had married me under false pretences.再也不能和一个靠谎言骗我结婚的男人继续生活下去了。Her body was no longer able to defend itself against disease.她的身体已经再也不能抵御疾病了。Such a careless attitude to safety will not wash any more.对安全问题如此漫不经心的态度再也不能令人接受了。I could not keep silent any longer.再也不能保持沉默了。Well, they won't be able to shove me around any longer.嗯,他们今后再也不能把我差来遣去了。She can no longer walk unaided.再也不能独力行走了。I can't conceal the truth from you any longer.再也不能向你隐瞒真相了。The swimmer couldn't hold her breath any longer.那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了。He can no longer get away with playing the giddy, irresponsible boy.再也不能一味地做不负责任的花花公子而不受惩罚了。Having effectively condoned her adultery, he could never divorce her.他实际上已宽恕了她的通奸行为,再也不能与她离婚。I cannot stand upright any more.再也不能挺立了。After a while she reached the saturation point and could absorb nothing more from the lectures.她一会儿功夫就达到了饱和点,便再也不能从讲课中吸收更多的信息了。And then the drink got her and she couldn't retain.之后,她喝上酒了,从此再也不能记事。For what it's worth, I don't think we can do anymore until we get more training.无论如何,我认为我们在未接受更多的训练之前是再也不能做了。I can't be saddled with any more responsibilities.再也不能承担更多的责任了。She was so enraged that she could remain passive no longer.她怒不可遏,再也不能顺服下去了。




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