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For three miles now both yachts have been neck and neck.两艘帆船齐头并进了三英里。They were neck and neck right up to the finishing line.他们一直到终点线都是齐头并进。The two horses were running neck and neck to the finish line.两匹马并驾齐驱跑向终点线。The race started with the horses nearly neck and neck.比赛开始时,所有的马几乎齐头并进。On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck.从大选开始第一天起,国家党同自由党的领导人就一直并驾齐驱,不分上下。The candidates are running neck and neck in this election.这场选举中候选人难分高下。The two candidates for president were neck and neck in the election.两位总统候选人在竞选中势均力敌。Opinion polls show the two main parties are running neck and neck.民意调查显示两大主要党派势均力敌。The two horses are running neck and neck.两匹马跑得难分高下。The Republicans and Democrats are neck and neck in the opinion polls.在民意测验中,共和党和民主党不相上下。 |