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The issue disunited the party members.这一争端使党员们发生内讧。The quarrel quickly festered into factional war.争吵很快变成了内讧。The opposition says there's civil war within the governing party.反对党说执政党出现了内讧。They went to fighting among themselves.他们把精力花在内讧上。The party is locked in an internal struggle.该党陷入了一场内讧。The quarrel tore the party apart.这场争论使得该政党起了内讧。Hopefully a satisfactory solution can be reached without much blood letting.有望在不引起严重内讧的情况下达成一个满意的解决方案。There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts.工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票。 |