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词汇 典范
例句 The school was a model of excellence.这所学校是优秀学校的典范The company has been a major success story.该公司是重要的成功典范Sophie represented his ideal of beauty.索菲是他心中美丽的典范She was a model of restraint.她极有克制力,堪称典范She looked the epitome of elegance.她看上去是举止优雅的典范Her study of apes is a masterpiece.她关于猿的研究堪称典范That company is one of this area's biggest success stories.那家公司是这个地区最成功的典范之一。He had become the paradigm of the successful man.他已经成为成功人士的典范Teachers exemplify the virtues of the middle class.教师是中产阶级美德的典范His essays are models of clarity and brevity.他的散文简洁、清晰,堪称典范The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher cooperation can achieve.该校是父母和老师合作成果的典范Sweden is often held up as an example of a successful social democracy.瑞典经常被视为社会民主主义的成功典范He is a model of politeness. 他是讲礼貌的典范The building became the model of perfection that architects sought to emulate.该建筑成为建筑师们竞相模仿的理想典范He is an exemplar of this new breed of politician.他是新型政治人物的典范Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times.米尔特的经历是在艰难时期求生存的典范Their win was a perfect example of teamwork.他们的胜利是团队合作的最佳典范This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.这幅油画是那个时期风靡一时的自然主义风格的完美典范The educational system was a model for those of many other countries.这种教育体制是许多其他国家学习的典范He is the apotheosis of manhood.他是男子气概的典范Her latest movie is a shining example of what a film can be.她的最新影片堪称是好电影的典范The commentary is exemplary in its concision and lucidity.这篇评论在简洁清晰方面堪称典范Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范She personifies kindness. = She is kindness personified. 她是仁爱的典范He is a paragon of virtue. 他是美德典范The President's inauguration speech was a fine demonstration of political oratory.那位总统的就职演说是政治演讲的典范The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.整件事情就是人群管理的典范They were anointed as fashion icons of grunge.他们被选为垃圾风尚的典范The new stadium is a showpiece for the Greeks.这座新体育场对希腊人来说是一个成功的典范John is the quintessence of good manners.约翰是彬彬有礼的典范His winning goal was classic.他制胜的一球堪称典范He is the pink of diligence.他是勤奋的典范Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance.即使现在已经年届花甲,她仍堪称法国人优雅风度的典范The book set the pattern for detective fiction.这本书为侦探小说树立了典范The statue is a fine example of early Christian art.这尊塑像是早期基督教艺术的典范This court exemplifies the values of fairness and justice.本法庭是公平和正义这种价值观念的典范She is the very mirror of virtue.她是贞洁的典范The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.曼谷的东方饭店是豪华饭店的典范The building is a monument of architecture.这幢大楼是建筑艺术的典范




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