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词汇 关键的
例句 He sank two crucial putts in the last three holes.他在最后三洞完成了两个关键的击球入洞。We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine.我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。Barker's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case.巴克的证词对控方的指控起到关键的作用。Vital minutes were lost because the ambulance took half an hour to arrive.救护车半个小时才到,错过了最关键的几分钟时间。The key words are underlined.关键的字下面划了线。He carefully recounts the tale, the microscopic details of those crucial minutes.他详细地讲述了事情的经过和在那关键的几分钟里所发生的微小细节。Key questions remain unanswered.关键的问题依然没有答案。They accused the prosecution of withholding crucial evidence.他们指责控方隐瞒了关键的证据。The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.裁军正处在一个关键的转折点。It was Johansson who scored the all-important goal shortly before half-time.正是约翰森在上半场结束前不久踢进了极其关键的一球。The Tories are concentrating their campaign in the key marginal constituencies.保守党正把他们的竞选活动集中在关键的边缘选区。The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.这一选举可能成为哥伦比亚政治史上关键的一次。He says the president's plan would create a huge bureaucracy without solving critical intelligence issues.他说总统的计划会造成行政机构的臃肿,而不能解决关键的情报问题。African-American voters are a key Democratic constituency.非洲裔选民是美国民主党关键的支持者。The poverty of his childhood played a decisive role in his adult life.童年的贫困在他的成年生活中起了关键的作用。There is one key difference with the earlier version of the software.该软件与它较早前的版本有一个关键的不同之处。It is vital that we reform the system in the interests of fairness to everyone.我们为了维护人人平等而进行制度改革是很关键的The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody.关键的问题是这不能使每个人充分发挥自己的长处。I think he's hit upon the crucial question.我认为他已经找到了关键的问题。There was one bit of vital evidence which helped win the case.一个关键的证据帮助打赢了这场官司。Florida was a key state in his campaign for re-election.佛罗里达是他再次竞选宣传活动中关键的一个州。It's a funny story, and more relevantly, it's true.这是个有趣的故事,更关键的是,这是件真事。The two theories overlap on one important point.这两种理论在关键的一点上相同。The campaign is gaining ground in some key marginal electorates.竞选活动正在一些关键的边缘选区取得进展。Everything hangs on tomorrow's crucial match.一切都取决于明天那场关键的比赛。She scored a clutch basket.她投进了关键的一球。The virus deletes files and corrupts essential core microchips, leaving computers unusable.这种病毒删除文件,损坏关键的核心微芯片,造成电脑瘫痪。The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的It was said that the police concealed vital evidence.据说警方隐瞒了关键的证据。The votes in the marginals are those that really count.边缘席位的选票才是最关键的The central necessity is the union of the people.关键的是人民的团结。Jordan holds a key position, bordering both Israel and Iraq.约旦与以色列和伊拉克接壤,处在关键的地理位置上。




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