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例句 Sweden has always had a mixture of private enterprise and state control in its economy.私营企业与国家调控一直共存于瑞典经济中。Permissiveness and democracy go together.宽容和民主是共存的。The species coexist in the same environment.这些物种在同一环境中共存The Windermere Golf Club is proof positive that golf and ecology can co-exist in perfect harmony.温德米尔高尔夫俱乐部证明了高尔夫运动和生态环境能完全和谐共存The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.固态和液态可以平衡共存的温度称为冰点。The Windermere Golf Club is proof positive that golf and ecology can co-exist in perfect harmony.温德米尔高尔夫俱乐部证明了高尔夫和生态能完全和谐共存His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.他的任务是制定详细政策,使得市场经济和清洁环境能够共存




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