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词汇 共同
例句 Both schools and industry will be involved in funding the new training projects.学校和业界将共同为新的培训计划提供经费。There should be a concurrent majority of crofters to take a decision on this.应该由多数的佃农对此共同作出决定。These dance styles are connected via common roots, including tap dancing, ballet, and jazz.这些舞蹈风格通过包括踢踏舞、芭蕾和爵士在内的共同源头联系在了一起。The incident became part of our collective memory.这一事件成为我们共同回忆的一部分。They were united in their detestation of the government.他们出于对政府的共同痛恨而联合起来。Churchill's stirring speeches helped rally his countrymen to fight against the enemy.丘吉尔一次又一次振奋人心的演说有助把国人团结起来共同抵抗敌人。He played the lead opposite Bette Davis in two films.他在两部电影里与贝蒂·戴维斯共同担当主演。My wife and I keep our money in a joint account. 妻子和我把钱存入一个共同账户。The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.警察与军队合作,共同维持国家秩序。The couple spoke about how they would co-operate in the raising of their child.这对夫妻谈到了他们将如何共同抚养孩子。I teamed up with a local journalist, and we worked on the story together.我和当地一名记者合作,共同报道这件事。The young couple shared the upbringing of their baby.这对年轻夫妇共同养育他们的婴儿。Both spouses are jointly and severally liable for the tax. 夫妻双方共同且分别承担税金。We joined hands and recited the prayer together.我们手拉着手,共同背诵祷文。Both the petitioner and respondent provide for the upkeep of the children.离婚上诉方和被告方共同抚养子女。The two sides are trying to find some common ground on these issues.双方正在努力找到有关这些问题的共同立场。The republics have worked out a plan for sharing control of nuclear weapons.一些共和国已经制订出共同控制核武器的计划。It is the sure anchor of our common security in this time of international riptides.处在国际力量这么激烈冲突之时,这是我们共同安全的稳妥依靠。My sister and I had a joint birthday party.我和姐姐共同开了个生日聚会。It was great to meet with old friends and share recollections.与老朋友见面共同回忆往事是件美妙的事情。The European Union is still feeling its way towards common policies.欧盟还在摸索着制定共同政策。The summit ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution.峰会结束时各方共同承诺要限制污染。They conspired with the terrorists to overthrow the government.他们和恐怖分子共同密谋颠覆政府。Ecologists no longer view different species as independent, but instead see them as pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.生态学家不再将不同物种视为彼此独立,而认为它们密切关联,共同构成一个整体Disgust at cruel sports has come to be a common feature of British life.痛恶残酷的运动已成了英国人生活中的共同特点。The company offered both a contributory and a noncontributory plan for workers' pensions.这家公司提供两种养老金方案:员工和公司共同缴付及公司完全缴付。They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace.他们同意搁置分歧,共同为和平而努力。History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.历史和地理因素共同将希腊推至作出抉择的紧要关头。Both parties should work constructively together to address the difficulties.双方应该进行建设性合作,共同解决难题。The eggs are guarded by both parents.那些蛋由父母共同守护着。We help separated couples to agree how best to co-parent the children.我们帮助离婚分居夫妻在共同抚育子女方面达成一致意见。The exhibition is sponsored by the Arts Council in conjunction with British Airways.展览由艺术委员会与英国航空公司共同赞助。The two companies are partners in a contract to build the new factory.这两家公司订立合同,共同建造一座新的工厂。Both partners shared childcare.这对伴侣共同照管着孩子。A particular conjuncture of events unleashed the extraordinary destructive power of Nazism.一连串特殊事件共同催生了极具破坏力的纳粹主义势力。They shared the care of the children.他们共同照顾孩子。There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.有志之士将会共同为实现这些目标而努力。He cochaired a meeting with me.他和我共同主持一次会议。It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.内部检举和调查性报道共同揭露了这一腐败事实。We'll have to sit down together and hammer out an agreement.我们必须坐下来,共同商讨出一项协议。




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