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词汇 公然
例句 Overt sex or race discrimination is illegal.公然的性别或种族歧视是违法的。It is rare to see children openly defying their teachers.很少看见孩子公然跟老师作对。Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.禁止妓女在马路上和公共场所公然拉客。He has publicly repudiated the government's policies.公然拒绝服从政府的政策。A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权。His message was received with unconcealed anger.他传达的消息引起了公然的愤怒。The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.黄色报刊公然奚落皇室成员。Several of the neighbors had become openly hostile to one another.一些邻居之间变得公然互相对抗。Drugs are sold openly on the city streets.毒品公然在城市的大街上售卖。The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.该剧是第一部获得商业成功的公然以同性恋为主题的作品。It was a blatant attempt to discredit the Prime Minister.那是公然败坏首相名声的企图。Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt.很快,整个武装部队开始公然抗命。Some people laughed outright when he told us his idea.他对我们说出他的想法时,有些人公然大笑。The MP described the killings as a blasphemy before God.这位下院议员称这些谋杀是在上帝面前的公然亵渎。He flirts outrageously.公然调起情来。Outsiders are regarded with outright hostility.外来者受到公然敌视。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团向下院呈交了有关公然侵犯基本人权的备忘录。She looked up at him with open defiance.公然挑衅地抬起头看着他。The Department was notorious for its blatant discrimination against non-U.S. citizen employees.这个部门因公然歧视非美国公民雇员而臭名远扬。The other girls weren't openly unfriendly towards her, but they never invited her along with them.其他女孩子并没有公然对她不友善,但是她们从来不邀请她和她们一起。She was scratched after a former swain mouthed off about their life together.她从前的一个恋人公然谈论他们曾经同居,于是人家就不要她了。He had a younger brother who always publicly upstaged him.他有一个弟弟,总是公然抢他的风头。The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.广告标准管理局指责房地产代理商公然进行虚假宣传。It was a blatant attempt to buy their loyalty.这是公然收买他们忠心的企图。The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.该行为公然违背了《维也纳公约》。The regime has often been criticized for its flagrant abuses of human rights.该政权经常因公然践踏人权而遭到指责。The company openly traded in arms.这家公司公然进行武器交易。Dealers are openly plying drugs in school playgrounds.毒品贩子公然在校园操场上兜售毒品。Troops openly disobeyed orders, refusing to use force against their own people.军队公然不服从命令,拒绝对自己的同胞动武。Overt race discrimination is illegal.公然的种族歧视是非法的。He accused the president of naked aggression against the country's judiciary.他控诉总统公然侵犯该国司法体制。The editorial was a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion.这篇社论公然企图左右舆论。Drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.光天化日之下,毒品被公然出售。His failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable.他未能注意到公共资金的公然浪费,这是不可原谅的。Christabel looked at Ron with open hostility.克丽丝特布尔带着公然的敌意看着罗恩。He openly shoplifted from a supermarket.公然在超市偷窃。Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged.公然的侵略和企图用武力改变边界的行径是不能置之不理的。The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.袭击平民的举动是对和平协定的公然违背。His story was a blatant/obvious contortion of the truth.他的报道是对事实的公然歪曲。The union had openly flouted the law.该工会公然无视法律。




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