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I wouldn't have spoken so abruptly if I'd realized you were ill.如果我早知道你病了,说话就不会这么生硬了。There had been stiffness and long silences and tension in the air.生硬的措辞,长时间的沉默,空气中弥漫着紧张的气息。I praised them in my stilted German.我用生硬的德语赞扬了他们。The doorman asked me gruffly for my identity card.门卫语气生硬地问我要身份证。He answered their questions gruffly.他生硬地回答了他们的问题。His tone was terse as he asked the question.他提问时语气生硬。She looked at him with a stiff smile.她看着他,脸上挤出生硬的一笑。Her tone was a little stiff, I thought.我想他的语气有点生硬。He was a bit abrupt with me.他对我态度有些生硬。He had a dense, ponderous style.他的行文晦涩而生硬。Paul, in his typically blunt manner, told him he wasn't interested.保罗以惯有的生硬口气说他不感兴趣。He was honest in a way that could be painfully blunt.他为人正直,但生硬得叫人难受。He writes in a formal and somewhat stilted style.他的写作风格刻板,相当生硬。The dialogue sounded stilted and unnatural, perhaps because of the translation from the original Russian.对话听起来很生硬,非常不自然,可能是因为从俄文原著翻译过来的缘故。Our suggestion was immediately rebuffed.我们的建议立刻被生硬地回绝了。She spoke in a rather starchy manner.她说起话来态度很生硬。He is honest to the point of bluntness.他直率到生硬的地步。She was aware that her words sounded stiff.她知道自己的话听起来很生硬。She made a clumsy attempt at a joke.她生硬地开了个玩笑。The style was too pompous and dry for a children's book.这种风格对于儿童书籍来说有点过于浮华生硬。He comes on gruff and laconic on the phone.电话里听上去,他说话生硬简短。His manner can be rather gruff.他的态度有时候很生硬。His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.他那直截了当、往往还粗鲁生硬的办事方式无疑会激怒一些人。His stiff deportment matched his strict demeanor.他生硬的举止与他严厉的外表相匹配。His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.他的发言很生硬,有时还打结巴。The letter was stiff and formal.这封信语气生硬而正式。One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello.他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。The historical details in the movie do not obtrude—they enhance the story by making it more realistic.影片中的一些历史细节并不显得生硬,它们增强了故事的真实感。He talked in his angular English.他用生硬的英语讲话。He's never had much tact and people don't like his blunt manner.他从来不懂什么处事技巧,大家都不喜欢他那生硬的态度。Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role.帕森斯把主要角色演得很生硬。She speaks stiff but grammatically correct English.她讲的英语很生硬,但语法正确。His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.他一字一顿,听上去很生硬。The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness.他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板。He felt her familiar briskness, and he knew that it was all over.他感受到了她惯有的生硬态度,于是明白一切都结束了。 |