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词汇 生病
例句 His savings are a cushion against sickness.他的积蓄可备他生病时使用。What can his silence mean? I hope he's not ill.他久久不来信不知出了什么事? 但愿他没有生病Sick pay inures from the first day of illness.病假工资从生病第一天起实行。I didn't want to alarm him by telling him that she was ill.我不想让他担心,没有告诉他她生病的事。Throughout her illness, she maintained a voluminous correspondence.生病期间,她还保持着大量往来通信。He visited his ailing father.他探望了生病的父亲。He is sick, but he's not at death's door.生病了,不过还没到病危的地步。I regularly visit a sick neighbor who is confined at home. 我定期去看望一位生病在家无法出门的邻居。A fever is a symptom of illness.发烧是生病的症状。You really ought to take better care of yourself. If you don't get some rest and start eating better, you are bound to get sick.你真的应该好好照顾自己了。如果再不休息,吃点好的,你肯定会生病的。Several people became ill after eating hamburger meat contaminated with the E.coli bacteria.有几个人在食用了受大肠杆菌污染的汉堡包肉之后生病了。I've just heard about his illness.我刚听说他生病的事。Her condition makes her liable to illness.她那种情况让她很容易生病Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you.生病时谢谢你打电话来问候——你真是体贴人。He was feeling sick yesterday, and he's no better today. 他昨天生病了,今天仍不见有好转。My mother has really aged since she got sick.我母亲生病后非常衰老了。I did for her while she was sick.生病时,我照料她。While he was sick, he just lazed around the house.生病时,他就在房子四周消磨时光。During his illness he really lost his confidence.生病期间确实失去了自信。Reading helped to relieve the boredom while he was ill.读书帮他排遣了生病时的无聊。Dan's impossible to live with when he's sick.丹这个人生病时是无法与人共居的。Vera is fretting about her sick children.薇拉正在担忧着她生病的孩子们。Since his illness he has been another man. 自从生病后,他完全变了一个人。The period of bad health had left her looking tired and worn.生病的那段时间让她看起来又累又憔悴。When I'm ill, my friends always rally round.生病时,朋友们总在我身边帮忙。He looked as if he was ill.他看起来像是生病了。Just my luck! The one vacation I take all year, and I have to get sick.我就是这样倒霉!一年就这么一次休假,我总要生病You feel so impotent when your child is ill and you cannot help them.当孩子生病却什么忙也帮不上时,你会觉得自己是如此无能为力。You must bear with his bad temper; he has recently been ill.你得容忍他的坏脾气,他最近一直生病Since her illness, she finds that she gets tired really easily.自从生病之后,她感觉自己很容易疲倦。The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed.生病的小孩在床上辗转反侧焦躁不安。Bridget can't come – she's ill.布丽奇特不能来了,她生病了。There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease.身体健康不仅仅指不生病,还包括更多。When he became ill, he signed his property in France over to his son.生病后便签字把在法国的房产给了儿子。She missed work due to sickness. 她因生病没上班。During his illness she discovered vast inner resources that gave her the strength she needed.在他生病期间,她发现了能够让自己获得所需力量的巨大精神财富。It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.生病是件烦人的事,整天躺在床上的新鲜劲很快就没了。Illness may come from a poor diet.饮食不良会生病Sickness may develop from inadequate fluid intake.液体摄入量不足会导致生病It's important to save money as a buffer against times of illness or the loss of your job.存点钱以备生病或失业之需是很重要的。




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