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词汇 公共汽车
例句 Passengers were trying to squeeze onto the bus.乘客们正试图往公共汽车上挤。Connor checked the bus schedules for the day.康纳查看了日间公共汽车时间表。The bus stopped to let its passengers off.公共汽车停下来,让乘客下车。There were twelve or thirteen people waiting at the bus stop.有十二三个人在公共汽车站等车。The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.闹事者原本计划用炸弹袭击公共汽车和办公楼。I accelerated to overtake the bus.我加速超过了公共汽车Their minibus was ripped apart by a bomb.他们的小型公共汽车被炸弹炸毁了。Several passengers were grievously injured in the bus accident.几名乘客在公共汽车的车祸中严重受伤。He stepped into the road in front of a bus.他走上公路,差点儿被一辆公共汽车撞到。The old bus jogged us up and down on the rough mountain road.那辆旧公共汽车在崎岖的山路上把我们上上下下颠得够呛。He was drawing on the window of the bus with his finger.他用手指在公共汽车的窗上画着。Employees of the Strathtay bus company, which has been privatized, are concerned that drivers are about to be made redundant.斯特拉斯泰公共汽车公司已私有化,其员工担心司机会遭解雇。She was knocked down by a bus.她被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。This train connects with a bus service to Worcester.这趟火车与开往伍斯特的公共汽车联运。I think we got on the wrong bus.我想我们上错公共汽车了。The bus was two hours late and, I might add, they tried to charge my children the full adult fare!公共汽车迟到了两小时,而且,他们还要我的孩子买全额成人票!The bus was late again today. Let's make a noise to the company about it.公共汽车今天又晚点了,我们向公司提意见去。The bus left us at the bottom of the hill, and we went the rest of the way on foot.公共汽车把我们留在山脚下,我们徒步走剩下的路。The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing two people and wounding ten.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸,造成两人死亡、十人受伤。We proceeded by bus on the mountainous roads.我们乘公共汽车沿着山路前进。If she's got money to run a car, how come she gets the bus every day?如果她有钱养得起汽车,她怎么会每天乘公共汽车呢?It was raining, the bus was late, and to crown it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车又脱班,更糟的是他没穿外衣。Does this bus go downtown?这辆公共汽车开往市中心吗?I missed the bus and had to wait half an hour for the next one.我没赶上公共汽车,只得等了半小时坐下一班。To get to Agra we had to endure a long bumpy ride in an old bus.为了去阿格拉,我们只得在一辆破旧的公共汽车上忍受长途的颠簸。I had a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop.我在公共汽车站和一个喝得烂醉的人也算是交谈了几句。If the last bus has left, I'll collect you.如果最后一班公共汽车已经走了,那我来接你。The bus makes four runs daily.这辆公共汽车每天跑四趟。The bus stops at the top of the hill.那辆公共汽车在山顶停靠。I would always give my seat up to an elderly person on the bus.我在公共汽车上总是给老人让座。The double-decker bus stopped to pick up some more passengers.那辆双层公共汽车停下来又搭载了一些乘客。The bus went right by him without stopping.公共汽车从他身边驶过没有停下。We pushed as hard as we could, but we couldn't get the bus to move.我们用尽力气推,可还是推不动那辆公共汽车The suspect was apprehended for planting a fake bomb in a bus terminal.嫌犯因在公共汽车终点站放置假炸弹而被捕。The bus leaves on the hour.公共汽车整点发车。She began telling us about some fight on a bus in which our kids had duffed up the bus conductor.她开始给我们讲在公共汽车上我们的孩子们把售票员痛扁一顿。The bus crashed into an embankment before bursting into flames.公共汽车撞到路堤上,之后就燃烧了起来。It was raining, the bus was late, and, to top it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车晚点,更糟糕的是,他没有雨衣。 I hope you've got some change for the bus, because I haven't.我希望你有零钱乘公共汽车,因为我没带零钱。They had to rush to catch the bus.他们要赶紧去赶公共汽车




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