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The public lavatories are situated on the other side of the beach.公共厕所在海滩的另一边。Pat refuses to use the public toilets in this country because they are always so dirty.帕特在这个国家拒绝使用公共厕所,因为那里总是非常脏。What an ugly little building! It reminds me of a public lavatory.多难看的小房子!它使我想到公共厕所。You now have to pay to use the public toilets at the station.现在在车站用公共厕所必须付费。Public privies were built there.那里建造了公共厕所。Fred never uses public toilets.弗雷德从不使用公共厕所。We went to the latrines for a strip-wash in cold water.我们去公共厕所用冷水擦洗全身。 |