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词汇 入水
例句 The children were ducking each other in the pool.孩子们在水池里互相将对方按入水中。We could only watch in disbelief as the car rolled into the water.我们只能难以置信地眼睁睁看着汽车翻入水里。She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him.她和马克在水池中嬉戏,胡闹着要将他按入水中。The lifeboat capsized, throwing the occupants into the water.救生艇倾覆,艇里的人被掀入水中。Light is refracted when it hits water.光线进入水中会被折射。Keeping her hand on his collar, she gave him two good souses in the water.她抓住他的领子,将他着实按入水中两次。The diver flipped over backwards into the water.潜水员向后翻身入水One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the wind.稍有差错,风早就把他掀翻,从船上抛入水中了。When jumping over an obstacle into water, the approach should be made with a collected but active canter.骑马越过障碍物入水时,应当采用小跑方式,步伐要既平稳又迅捷。She dunked him while they were swimming.他们游泳时,她把他按入水中憋了一会儿。He can't swim and dreads going in the water.他不会游泳,害怕入水Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water.凯利爬下梯子进入水中。Tom slithered down the muddy bank into the water.汤姆连晃带滑地走下泥泞的河岸进入水中。The anchor went into the water with a loud splash.锚哗啦啦一声被抛入水中。The lifeboat capsized, throwing the occupants into the water.救生艇翻了,上面的人都被掀入水中。His body hit the water in a neat dive.他身体入水时,水花不溅。These suits are designed to protect the wearer from cold shock as they enter the water.这些服装旨在避免穿着者入水时发生冷休克。As it takes to water the wheels retract and a jet unit propels the machine.入水时,轮子收起,喷射装置推动机器前进。




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