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词汇 伺候
例句 I can't stand the way they wait on her hand and foot!我实在受不了他们殷勤伺候她的样子!A Japanese wife was formerly expected to wait upon her husband hand and foot.从前,日本妇女非得无微不至地伺候丈夫不可。She'd just as soon throw your plate in your face as serve you.她宁可把盘子砸到你脸上也不愿伺候你。They all wait on the king.他们都伺候国王。Poor Harry spends all his time running after his idle so-and-so of a wife.可怜的哈里全部时间都花在鞍前马后伺候他那个讨厌的懒婆娘上面了。She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由穿着华丽制服、头戴扑粉假发的仆人们伺候着。Don't expect me to run you round for the rest of your life!别指望我伺候你一辈子!He seems to expect his wife to wait on him.他似乎希望妻子来伺候自己。She waited on her children hand and foot. 她无微不至地伺候着自己的孩子们。I can't keep running after you all day!我不能整天总跟着伺候你。Ricky was a very demanding child.里基是个非常难伺候的孩子。




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