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词汇 光鲜
例句 Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate.衣着光鲜的顾客们边吃边斯文地低声聊着天。The clothes were very showy, very theatrical.那件衣服光鲜夺目,华美如戏服。She was all decked out in her Sunday best.她穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜Film stars and models seem to lead glamorous lives in comparison to ordinary folk.与普通人相比,电影明星和模特儿们的生活似乎很光鲜She was regarded by contemporaries as the best player never to win a great singles championship.她被同时代的人视为最佳运动员,虽然她从未获得任何单打锦标赛冠军的光鲜称号。When the bar reopened, everything was new and gleaming.酒吧重新开张时展现了光鲜的全新面貌。A couple of townies walked into the village pub, looking very out of place in their smart suits.几个城里人走进这家乡村酒馆,他们西装革履的光鲜打扮显得与环境很不谐调。The job is dirty, a little stinky, and far from glamorous.这份工作很脏,味道又不怎么样,一点都不光鲜If you are able to strip away the dreadful commercialism, the materialism and the flashy exterior, there is something beautiful and meaningful at the bottom of it.如果你能忽略掉可怕的商业主义、物质主义以及光鲜的外表,其本质还是有一些美丽而有意义的东西。She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.她被自己的生活中表面上的光鲜与奢华所蒙蔽。The lyrics strip the veneer of respectability from the music.歌词让配乐变得不再光鲜She always gets her children up very smartly.她总是把儿女们打扮得光鲜漂亮。




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