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词汇 plainly
例句 To put it plainly, they wet themselves.说白了就是,他们尿裤子了。He was very tall and plainly dressed.他个子很高,穿着朴素。The judge's conclusion was plainly wrong.法官的结论显然是错的。I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left.我能清楚地看到他左右摇摆着脑袋的样子。He was plainly annoyed.他明显恼火了。The Greek Ouranos is plainly cognate with the Hindu Varuna.希腊神乌拉诺斯显然和印度神伐楼拿属于同一类神。He stood without moving a muscle, unable to believe what his eyes saw so plainly.他站在那里一动不动,不能相信眼前如此清清楚楚看到的一切。The judge's conclusion was plainly wrong.法官的结论明摆着是错的。She always dresses plainly.她总是穿着朴素。The leaflet plainly states what the party's position is on immigration.传单明确阐述了该党在移民问题上的立场。Her voice is trembling – I can hear it quite plainly.她的声音在颤抖,我可以很清楚地听出来。Susan was plainly the centre / center of attraction in the room.苏珊显然是屋子里最抢眼的人。Every footstep could be plainly heard.每个脚步声都清晰可辨。Mrs German was plainly delighted.杰曼夫人显然很高兴。The barracks were plainly visible on the hillside.从山坡上可以清清楚楚地看到兵营。The camp is for kids who like sports, which he plainly does.这营地是供喜欢运动的孩子们用的,他显然就是这样的孩子。Something was plainly wrong.显然什么东西弄错了。He was plainly very put out at finding her there.发现她在那里他明显很不安。The man was plainly demented.那人显然神经错乱。The first part of that argument is plainly true.论据的第一部分显然是成立的。Please print plainly.请用印刷体清楚书写。Loch plainly felt guilty about it.洛赫明显对此感到愧疚。Few of our political leaders are willing to talk plainly about the emergency facing the country.我们的政治领袖中很少有人愿意开诚布公地谈论国家面临的危急情况。It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets.显然,养海龟作宠物十分残忍。The room was very plainly furnished.房间陈设很简单。The star was plainly visible in the sky toward the north.天空中北边的那颗星星清晰可见。She plainly felt guilty about it.她明显对此感到愧疚。The book states quite plainly that he was part of the plot.这本书清晰地陈述了他参与了这个阴谋。Speak plainly and no one will misunderstand you.直截了当地说,不要让大家有什么误解。She was always plainly dressed, in a way that gave her an air of elegance.她一直穿戴朴素,这在一定程度上给她增添了一丝优雅气质。Tell me plainly what you want.说清楚,你想要什么。The administration plainly has some serious charges to answer.毋庸置疑,行政部门需对一些严重的指控做出回应。Tom and his sidekick Larry sauntered into the bar, plainly looking for a fight.汤姆和他的跟班拉里不紧不慢地走进酒吧,明显想找人打架。We could hear Tom's voice plainly over the noise of the crowd.在人群的喧闹声中,我们可以清楚地听到汤姆的声音。You could see the oysters quite plainly, lying on the sea-bed.你一眼就能看到在海底栖息的牡蛎。His real intention was thrown out plainly by his silence.他的沉默倒是清楚地显露了他的真实意图。She told him plainly that she had no intention of marrying him.她坦率地告诉他自己不打算嫁给他。We could now very plainly hear their heavy tread.我们现在可以非常清楚地听到他们沉重的脚步声。Few of our political leaders are willing to talk plainly and honestly about the emergency facing the country.我们的政治领导人没有几个愿意开诚布公地谈论国家所面对的紧急情况。The administration plainly has some serious charges to answer.政府显然需要对一些严重的指控作出交代。




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