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词汇 充分准备
例句 Are you adequately prepared for the exam?你为考试做好充分准备了吗?US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given.美军作好了充分准备,一旦命令下达,可执行任何任务。Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, and chaos resulted.老师们对考试制度的重大变化没有做好充分准备,因此出现了混乱的局面。The government is fully prepared to compensate the victims.政府已做好充分准备补偿受害者。She was concerned to protect the children from the truth until she judged them ready to hear it.直到断定孩子们已有充分准备后她才会让他们知道真相。She's all set for an early-morning start.为了一大早出发,她做好了充分准备It is important to make adequate provision for your retirement.为退休生活做好充分准备是很重要的。The country is all set to launch the spacecraft.该国已作好发射飞船的充分准备She had better mug up before she interviews him.她最好在采访他之前做好充分准备US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given by the president.美国军队充分准备好随时执行总统的任何指令。I was well prepared for the job.我为这份工作做好了充分准备The examination is very difficult; I don't send students in until they're fully prepared.这种考试难度很大,学生必须作好充分准备我才让他们参加。The colonies were ripe for revolution.各殖民地已为革命作好了充分准备The team was well prepared and focussed on the issues.该小组已作了充分准备,并把注意力集中到这些议题上。I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India.在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备I hadn't prepared for the job interview adequately.我还没有为求职面试做好充分准备




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