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词汇 像样的
例句 It's no easy/simple matter to find a decent place to live in this city.在这个城市找一个像样的住所不是件容易事。A decent lawyer would have made mincemeat of them in court.要是一个像样的律师早就在法庭上把他们驳得体无完肤了。I used to entertain at home quite a lot, and I can still whip up a fairly decent dinner party.我原来经常在家自娱自乐,现在也还能迅速准备好一顿颇为像样的晚宴。There wasn't a decent restaurant for miles.几英里之内没有一家像样的餐馆。Without qualifications it's nearly impossible to get a job with decent wages.没有资历几乎不可能找到工资像样的工作。Are there any decent schools in that area?那地方有像样的学校吗?It's impossible to find a decent restaurant in this place.这个地方不可能找到像样的餐馆。I brought my Nikes - they're about the only decent shoes I have.我把我的耐克鞋带来了,这是我唯一一双像样的鞋。You're going to have to make some basic changes to your lifestyle if you want to live to a decent age.如果想活到一个像样的岁数,你得对你的生活方式作一些根本的改变。Some decent publicity could have swung the balance in our favour.一些像样的宣传活动本来可以让结果变得对我们有利。I'd hardly cooked a proper meal for years, and I was wondering if I could still pull it off.我有好多年没有做过一顿像样的饭了,不知道还行不行。There's been no rain to speak of for several months.好几个月都没下过什么像样的雨。He was wearing his most presentable suit.他穿着他最像样的西装。Patients don't get proper care.患者没有得到像样的照顾。In those days there was no proper road, just an old stony track through the woods.那时候没有一条像样的路,只有一条旧的石子小道穿过树林。There are precious few decent restaurants left around here.这里所剩下的像样的餐馆少之又少。It's a proper Christmas dinner, with turkey and bread sauce.这是顿像样的圣诞大餐,有火鸡和牛奶沙司。I need a smart jacket for my interview.我需要穿一件像样的上衣去面试。I've got to get some decent clothes.我必须买一些像样的衣服。She gave them decent food and not frozen rubbish.她给他们的是像样的食物,而不是冷冻的垃圾食品。There were no proper toilets, but only an outdoor latrine.没有像样的卫生间,只有一个露天的茅坑。If you can't find any decent apples, you can always try growing them yourself.如果你找不到像样的苹果,你总还可以试着自己种。She'd have to think up a good reason for being late.她不得不为迟到编个像样的理由。He spent three years in a sweatshop before he found a decent job.他在一家血汗工厂做了三年才找到一份像样的工作。It's rotten hard to get a decent job.要找到像样的工作极难。We couldn't find anything resembling a good restaurant. 我们找不到一家像样的餐厅。I subbed Fenella a tenner to get a decent bunch of flowers.我借给费奈拉十英镑,去买一束像样的鲜花。It's time you got rid of this apology for a sewing machine and bought one that works.你是时候把这台不像样的缝纫机处理掉,再买一台好用的了。I never cook anything grand-we live on chips and baked beans.我从来不做什么像样的饭菜 - 我们靠吃炸薯条和烘豆过日子。They couldn't afford to pay for a proper funeral.他们出不起钱举办一个像样的葬礼。There were a couple of decent kits knocking around, but this wasn't one of them!.这里有几套像样的装备,但这套不是!The house had no garden to speak of.这栋房子没有一座像样的花园。Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.人人都应该有权获得像样的工资/过上体面的生活。I spent my working life poncing around on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我把该用于工作的时间都在海滩上游手好闲掉了,而没去从事一份像样的工作。We need proper training.我们需要像样的训练。There isn't one decent restaurant around here.这儿附近没有一家像样的餐馆。They can't afford decent housing.他们住不起像样的房子。The whole show was spoiled by the lack of decent actors.整个表演都因为没有像样的演员而弄得很糟。There was no time for a proper conversation.没有时间进行一次像样的交谈。There had been no rain to speak of for ten weeks and the garden was dying.十个星期没有下过像样的雨了,花园里草木枯萎。




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