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词汇 play to
例句 They played to a packed house.他们的演出座无虚席。After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.经过多年研究,学者们终于认定这部佚名剧作出自克里斯托弗•马洛的手笔。The course uses role play to teach you how to deal with difficult or aggressive customers.这门课程采用角色扮演来教人应付挑剔的或好争吵的顾客。We played to ninety per cent audiences.我们演出时的上座率有九成。They tried to affiliate that play to its author.他们试图追寻那个剧本的作者。A second game will be played to determine the outcome.将举行第二场比赛以确定结果。She intended the play to carry audiences toward a sense of peace and understanding.她想让这部戏把和平与理解的意识带给观众。You must capitalize on your opportunities to give full play to your professional knowledge.你必须利用各种机会发挥你的专长。In his latest album, he once again plays to his strengths as a classical musician.在他最新的唱片中,他再次发挥了自己作为古典音乐家的优势。The team turned a double play to end the inning.球队表演了一记双杀结束了这局。He made a power play to seize control of the company.他采取高压攻势控制公司。The actors did the play to a very high standard.演员们在这出戏中演出了很高水平。This is a power play to control a very small market.这是为了控制一个很小的市场而进行的高压行动。The quarterback called out the play to his teammates.四分卫向队友下达战术。All the resources and staff available were brought into play to cope with the crisis.所有可用的资源和人力都被投入进来应对这场危机。They turned a double play to end the inning.他们用一记双杀结束了这一局。The team may not have the best players, but it plays to its strengths.这个队也许没有最优秀的选手,但他们善于发挥自己的长处。The show played to capacity crowds.那场表演座无虚席。The carpenter found it child's play to repair the broken chair.木匠感到修理坏椅子真是易如反掌。The acting was stiff and we couldn't wait for the play to end.演技太差劲了,我们等不及戏散场就走了。Critics have praised the play to the skies.评论家把这部剧捧上了天。The move from stage to movies allowed Gildit to give full play to his sense of the fantastic.从舞台转到电影界,吉尔迪可以充分发挥他的幻想灵感。This role was played to a fare-thee-well by the late great Agnes Moorehead.这个角色被已故的阿格尼丝·穆尔黑德大师表演得尽善尽美。The new opera has played to full houses.这出新歌剧演出以来场场客满。The actors played to a thin audience yesterday.演员们昨天对着寥寥无几的观众演出。The critics pulled the play to pieces.评论家们把这个剧批得体无完肤。The band played to an overflow crowd. 乐队演奏时听众爆满。He played to popular prejudices to serve his political ends.他迎合大众的偏见来为其政治目的服务。Sara Hughes gives a high-voltage performance in one of the most exciting plays to hit London this year.萨拉‧休斯在今年轰动伦敦的一出戏剧中奉献了极为出色的表演,该剧是今年最激动人心的作品之一。The shortstop made a great play to end the inning.游击手以一记漂亮的触杀结束了这局比赛。He loves publicity and plays to the cameras every chance he gets.他喜爱抛头露面,只要有机会,就抢镜头。You always have to play to the whistle.你必须总是继续比赛直到裁判哨响。I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child.我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的益处。The politician played to the gallery shamelessly.这位政客无耻地迎合低级趣味。The critics pulled his new play to bits.评论家把他的新剧本说得一无是处。Florida will benefit from a number of economic trends that play to its strengths.佛罗里达州将从一系列正好能发挥它强项的经济动向中获益。Every game, we go out and play to the best of our ability.我们每场比赛都倾尽全力地去拼。He played to popular prejudices to serve his political ends.他迎合大众的偏见来为他的政治目的服务。Shakespeare put funny scenes into his serious plays to provide a little light relief.莎士比亚在他的严肃正剧中穿插诙谐场面,以使观众得到一点轻松的调剂。




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