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词汇 催眠
例句 Tom tried to hypnotize me but he was unsuccessful.汤姆想为我催眠但他没成功。The beat of the music was strangely hypnotic.这种音乐的节奏有种奇怪的催眠作用。London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders.伦敦动物园正在举办催眠治疗活动,以帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。He underwent hypnosis to treat his fear of water.他通过催眠来治疗自己对水的恐惧。Other audio tapes use hypnosis as a means of curing allergies and addictions.其他录音带使用催眠法来治疗过敏和戒瘾。His voice had an almost soporific effect.他的嗓音几乎有催眠作用。Hypnosis is the deliberate inducement of a state of trance in which suggestion can be especially effective.催眠是有意引发的昏睡状态,在这种状态下,暗示会格外有效。The repetition of the same sound produces a narcotic effect.同一种声音的重复具有催眠作用。A lot of the misapprehensions about hypnosis stem from ignorance.催眠的很多误解源于无知。The drug has a mild narcotic effect. 这种药有轻微的催眠作用。The tick of the clock had a somnolent effect.钟的滴答声有催眠作用。A hypnotherapist will hypnotize you and will stop you from smoking.一位催眠治疗师将对你实施催眠,从而帮你戒烟。Under deep hypnosis, subjects can be carried back in memory to early childhood.在深度催眠中,受试者可以重温幼年时期的记忆。Scientists have shown that hypnosis produces clear changes in the brain.科学家已经证明催眠可让大脑产生明显的变化。She was willed to sleep by the hypnotist.她被催眠术士催眠入睡。It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.不可能仅通过说某个词或短语就能把人催眠A hypnotized person lapses into a kind of trance.催眠的人会进入一种恍惚状态。The therapist hypnotized him and asked him questions about his traumatic experiences in the war.治疗师对他催眠,询问他有关战争中惨痛经历的问题。




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