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词汇 gears
例句 Then, with a horrendous grinding of gears, we bounced away.然后,在一阵尖利刺耳的推拉排挡声中,我们驾车猛冲而去。As the gear revolves, it turns the other gears.当这个齿轮转动时,它就带动了其他齿轮。He gritted his gears when shifting into high.他在换快挡时把齿轮弄得吱嘎响。The car's gears aren't meshing correctly.汽车的齿轮没有啮合好。The vehicle lurched to a stop, gears grinding again.车子猛地一蹿停住,变速箱又在嘎嘎作响了。The transmission allows the driver to shift gears by using buttons on the steering wheel.这个变速器便于司机通过方向盘上的按钮换挡。As I released the clutch, the gears engaged.我一松开离合器,挡就挂上了。When you're slowing down, use the gears and the brakes together.减速的时候,排挡和刹车要并用。Some dirt got inside the gears and gummed up the works.齿轮里进了尘土,转不动了。She kept grinding the car's gears.她总是把汽车排挡磨得嘎嘎作响。Careful or you'll knacker the gears!小心点,不然你会弄坏汽车的传动装置!He was crashing the gears because he was so nervous.由于太紧张,他挂挡时车发出了咣当声。It's no good - these gears are shot.没用了——这些齿轮已经磨坏了。He once again changed gears in his career.他又一次改变了自己的职业生涯。He looked up into the mirror as he changed through his gears.他一边换挡,一边抬眼看后视镜。Operate the gears with your left hand.用左手操作排挡。The gears weren't meshing properly.齿轮啮合得不太好。He found it hard to switch gears when he retired.他发现退休后很难调整好状态。If there is a malfunction, the gears will automatically disengage.要是有故障,排挡会自动松开。He was careless and stripped the gears of his bike.他不小心把自行车齿轮的齿折断了。Peter drove jerkily, cornering too fast and fumbling the gears.彼得开车一顿一顿的,拐弯太快,换挡也是笨手笨脚。Should I shift gears before making a turn?我拐弯之前该不该换挡? Regardless of where she was, she had the rare ability to shift gears and blend in.不论她在哪里,她都能惊人地转变自己,融入环境。The gears got all chewed up.齿轮全都磨损了。On hills, he must use low gears.在山上,他必须挂低速挡。The wheels/gears began to slowly churn.车轮/齿轮开始缓缓转动。It was difficult to change gears so we kangarooed along towards the gate.换挡很困难,所以我们一路蹿向大门。As the gear rotates, it turns the other gears.这个齿轮转动时,会带动其他齿轮。Disengage the gears when you park the car.你停车时要松开排挡。My old bicycle was so rusty that the gears had frozen.我的旧自行车锈得太厉害,齿轮都卡住不动了。I could hear the gears grinding.我能听见排挡摩擦发出的刺耳声。The gears meshed with a smooth action.齿轮啮合得很好。You can use Carol's old bike - the gears are out of whack, but it still goes.你可以骑卡罗尔的旧自行车——齿轮可能有点问题,但还能骑。She's decided to shift gears, quit her job, and go back to school.她决定换个活法,辞掉工作重返校园。There are still four gears left in the stick shift.手动挡变速系统中仍然还有四个挡。I shifted gears abruptly into my rusty high school French.我突然改说中学时学得半生不熟的法语。




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