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词汇 偷窃
例句 John was let go after it was discovered that he stole some files.约翰在偷窃文件一事败露后就被解雇了。They don't really want the things they steal. They just do it for kicks.他们并不是真的需要偷来的东西,偷窃只是追求刺激。We have observed that you steal.我们曾看到你偷窃They accused him of thievery. 他们指控他偷窃Some people have the proclivity to steal. They need psychological consultation.有些人有偷窃的癖性。他们需要心理咨商。The fact that she needed the money for her children is neither here nor there – it's still stealing.尽管她需要钱是为了孩子,可毕竟还是偷窃He was falsely accused of stealing.他被诬告偷窃He committed the sin of stealing.他犯了偷窃的罪过。Smith, a father of two, was arrested on charges of theft.两个孩子的父亲史密斯因为偷窃而被捕。I can't hack something like stealing.我不能容忍偷窃之类的事。In the eyes of the law, theft is a less serious crime than handling stolen goods.从法律的角度看,偷窃比买卖赃物罪行轻些。How come she has descended to stealing?她怎么会堕落到偷窃的? He got into trouble for stealing the sweets.他因为偷窃糖果惹上了麻烦。Hunger goaded him on to steal the food.饥饿驱使他前去偷窃食物。He started stealing to finance his heroin habit.为了购买海洛因满足毒瘾,他开始偷窃It is wrong to steal.偷窃是不应该的。She was convicted of shoplifting.她被判犯有偷窃商店货物罪。The watch was found in his bag; thereupon he was accused of stealing.在他的袋子里发现了表,因此他被指控偷窃He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.他通过偷窃、撒谎、欺诈和告密使自己摆脱了贫困。The store manager accused the boy of stealing.商店经理指控那个男孩偷窃This is a good place to pull rips.这是一处进行偷窃的好地方The lazy boy anticipated his dismissal by stealing stamps.那个懒孩因偷窃邮票而遭提前开除。Greed was his only motive for stealing.贪婪是他偷窃的唯一原因。The character in the movie had no moral compass to tell him that stealing was wrong.影片中的那个人物没有道德指针,意识不到偷窃是错误的行为。The manager saw the kids shoplift and called the police.经理看见这些孩子在商店偷窃就报了警。I wasn't stealing – these things are mine by right.我没有偷窃,这些东西理应是我的。The men have denied charges of theft.这些人否认偷窃的罪名。They put up a job to steal the jewels.他们密谋偷窃那些珠宝饰物。His was a life of thieving and cheating.他靠偷窃和行骗过日子。Theft is something that really disgusts me. It makes me feel hateful towards this whole wretched island.偷窃是让我深恶痛绝的事情,它让我对这整个该死的岛都充满仇视。The impulsion of hunger drove the man to steal.饥饿驱使此人去偷窃To steal is to act badly.偷窃是恶劣行为。After he was caught with the stolen goods, he had to face the music.偷窃物品被逮到,他必须接受应得的惩罚。Shoplifters are having a field day in the store.小偷们在店里抓住机会大肆偷窃The police dogged the suspected thief.警察跟踪偷窃嫌疑犯。He was stripped of his knighthood after he was convicted of stealing from the company.他被判定偷窃公司财物后被剥夺了骑士头衔。It may be no worse to cheat than to steal.偷窃相比,欺骗同样不道德。His business partner was implicated in the theft.他的商业伙伴涉嫌此偷窃案。She was arrested for passing stolen cheques.她因使用偷窃的支票而被捕。He had been expelled from his previous school for stealing.他因偷窃被先前的学校开除。




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