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例句 His right-wing opinions come out quite strongly in his later writings.他的右翼观点在他后来的文章里非常明显。After you've gained some experience teaching abroad, you can come home and get a job.在获得一些海外教学经验后,你就可以回国找份工作。He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.案件开庭审理的时候,这些预备役军人不会认罪,他就是其中一个。He might come back and say he still loves me, who knows? Who cares?他也许会回来说他仍爱着我,谁知道呢?谁在乎?It's come to my attention that the boy stutters.我已开始注意到这个男孩说话口吃。More complete and quantifiable data has come from the laboratory recently.新近从实验室里得到了更多完整而且可定量的数据。I really would like to come, but I'm afraid this is a bad time.我非常想来,但是恐怕现在不是合适的时候。I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come.我是第一个向他提出尴尬问题的人,不过还会有人问更难回答的问题。Keep walking until you come to the bridge.一直走到桥这里。Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.警察重现了犯罪的经过,目的是让目击证人主动站出来。It should be good fun. Why don't you come along?应该很好玩。 你也一起去怎么样 ?We come in to Heathrow at nine in the morning.我们早上九点到达希思罗机场。Hi, come on in, take a seat.嗨,进来坐下。She cherished the hope that he would come back to her some day.她希望他终将回到她的身边。His views come from his own humble beginnings.他的观点源于他卑微的出身。More public figures are finding the courage to come out of the closet.越来越多的公众人物开始有勇气承认自己是同性恋了。Late autumn contains intimations of a harsh winter to come.萧瑟深秋提示人们严冬即将来临。Does my answer come anywhere near the correct one?我的回答是否多少有几分正确性?They hoped desperately that their missing son would come home.他们焦急地盼望失踪的儿子能够回家。I should like to ask you to come with us for a quiet supper.我想请你和我们共进一次安静的晚餐。There will come a time when the crisis will occur.危机总有一天会爆发。Politicians can fool some people some of the time, but in the end, the chickens will come home to roost.政客们有时能够愚弄一些人,但最终他们都会自食恶果。It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.显然,希尔是来密切监视约翰逊的,以确保他不做出什么过激举动。Other details have come to light because of this investigation.其他细节因这项调查而暴露出来。Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.许多同性恋艺人不愿公开承认同性恋身份。Ruth simulated pleasure at seeing Sam, but really she wished he hadn't come.看见山姆,露丝假装很高兴,可实际上她希望他没来。I didn't hear her come in, so I nearly jumped out of my skin when she spoke to me.我没有听到她进来的声音,所以当她和我说话的时候,我吓了一大跳。He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.他固执地拒绝告诉她自己是如何沦落到这种地步的。It scared him to realise how close he had come to losing everything.一想到他差点儿就失去了一切,他心里直打哆嗦。She wants Tom to come to her party.她想汤姆来参加她的聚会。The plasterwork is old, and it's likely to come away in your hand.膏药贴的时间长了,容易从手上脱落。I see miniskirts have come in again.我看到超短裙又流行起来了。She wished with all her heart that he would come.她真心希望他能来。Only Ed cared enough to come and talk to her.只有埃德在意她,过来和她说话。Playground guidelines come under the Department of Health and Safety.游乐场管理准则由卫生与安全部负责制定。Would it be possible for you to come to a meeting on Tuesday?星期二你能来开会吗?I'll be there come what may. I promise.不管发生什么我都会去的,我保证。The police are waiting for him to come round so they can question him about the attack.警方在等待他苏醒过来,以便能够问他有关袭击的情况。Why don't you come over and have dinner with us sometime?你为什么不找个时间过来和我们一起吃顿饭?It's hard to shift gear when you come home after a busy day at work.上班忙了一天后回到家里很难回过神来。




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