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词汇 combine with
例句 Education must be combined with productive labour.教育必须与生产劳动相结合。His hard-nosed business approach is combined with a very real concern for the less fortunate in society.他既有执着的工作态度,同时又对社会上的不幸者怀有真切的关爱。Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.节食和锻炼相结合是最有效的。He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modesty.他在扮演这个人物时极其投入,而且态度很好,很谦逊。Soap combines with the alkaline salts in water to form a powdery deposit that clings to hair.肥皂结合水中的碱盐形成一种粉状的沉淀物,这种沉淀物能够附着在头发上。Political impotence combined with economic despair is an explosive mix.政治上的无能加上经济上的绝望会产生爆炸性后果。The drug may be combined with other treatments.这种药可与其他治疗方法结合起来使用。Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.她的故事有意采用富于青春气息的笔调和情节,同时还带些调侃。Greenhouse gases combine with hydrocarbons to form smog.温室气体与碳氢化合物相混合就形成了烟雾。The standard treatment is surgery, often combined with radiation.标准的治疗方法是手术,常和放射治疗结合使用。Small children need firmness combined with loving care.对待小孩子要严格和关心相结合。A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the U.S.经济发展停滞不前,加之青少年人数激增,可能是美国犯罪率上升的部分原因。His business training was combined with a keen sense of duty.他所受的商业训练和强烈的责任感结合在了一起。These substances are sometimes combined with other chemicals, such as chlorine.这些物质有时可与其他化学品化合,例如氯。When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.当使一种元素与氧化合时,即称其被氧化。A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the US.经济停滞不前,加上青少年人数激增,可能是导致美国犯罪率上升的原因之一。Development of new water sources needs to be combined with conservation measures.新水源的开发需要与节约措施相结合。Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子,也就是锈。If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved.如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.氢和氧化合成水。Their relief that war had been avoided was combined with sadness at what they had lost.战争避免了,他们松了一口气,可同时又为所失去的东西感到难过。Treatment usually consists of removal of the tumour combined with drug treatment.治疗通常包括切除肿瘤,再辅以药物治疗。Members of the radical Right combined with communists in holding an illegal meeting.右翼极端分子和他们联合举行了一次非法集会。When we ingest a mineral, it must be combined with an amino acid to be absorbed.我们所摄取的矿物质必须与氨基酸结合才能吸收。




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