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词汇 偷偷地
例句 Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to subsist.只是为了维持生计,几乎每个职员都要偷偷地做兼职。They sneaked up on him unawares.他们偷偷地出其不意地挨近了他。We'll slip out the back door.我们将从后门偷偷地溜出去。He sneaked past the guard.偷偷地从卫兵身旁溜过。I sneaked the book out of my father's study.偷偷地从父亲的书房拿出了那本书。When no one was looking he took a surreptitious puff on his cigarette.当没有人看时,他偷偷地抽了一口烟。He salted away a fortune over the years and no one ever knew!这些年他偷偷地存了一大笔钱却没人知道!When he was drunk he would sneak in late, hoping his wife was asleep.他喝醉了就会到很晚才偷偷地溜进房间,指望妻子已经睡着了。While Sara wasn't looking, I stole across the hall to make a call.趁萨拉没注意,我偷偷地穿过大厅去打电话。Zarry surreptitiously passed him the answer.扎里偷偷地把答案递给他。Frank slipped out of the meeting unobserved.弗兰克偷偷地溜出了会场。The other students snickered at Steve.其他学生都偷偷地笑史蒂夫。They had slyly arranged to have the party while we were away.我们外出时,他们偷偷地安排了搞这次聚会。Harry skulked off.哈里偷偷地溜走了。The child had been spirited away during the night.那孩子在夜里被偷偷地带走了。He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸孔。She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man.她四下里看了看,然后拿出一个包裹,偷偷地塞给了这个男人。He sneaked a watch into his pocket.偷偷地将一只表塞进口袋。We peeped through a crack in the fence and saw Mrs Finley talking to a strange-looking man.我们从篱笆的一条缝里偷偷地望去,只见芬利太太和一名长相古怪的男子在说话。He took a furtive glance at the clock.偷偷地瞧了一眼钟。How can I forget, with people sniggering behind my back?.我怎么会忘记呢?人们一直在我背后偷偷地笑话我。Lions stalked the herd.狮子偷偷地靠近猎物群。He secretly funnelled credit-card information to counterfeiters.偷偷地把信用卡信息传递给造假者。I'll see if I can find out what he's up to.我试试看能否弄清楚他在偷偷地干什么。His doctor has told him he mustn't drink, but he still has the occasional brandy on the quiet.医生嘱咐他不要喝酒,可他有时还是要偷偷地喝一杯白兰地。We sneaked out while Jessie's mom wasn't looking.我们趁杰茜的妈妈没有看到,偷偷地溜了出去。They went against their parents’ wishes and got married secretly.他们不顾父母的反对,偷偷地结了婚。She stole a kiss from him and ran away.偷偷地吻了他一下,然后跑开了。To avoid angry demonstrators, the minister was spirited through the back entrance.为了躲避愤怒的示威群众,这位部长被偷偷地从后门送走。He used to flirt with the two girls, on the quiet, when his wife wasn't looking.以前他会趁妻子不注意的时候,偷偷地和那两个女孩子调情。My working days were spent mooning around his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter.工作时间我都在他所在的部门附近晃悠,试图偷偷地来一场偶遇。We secretly organized a party for her, but then Bill messed everything up by telling her about it.我们偷偷地给她办了个晚会,可是比尔却告诉了她,把一切都打乱了。He left the country clandestinely.偷偷地离开了该国。His wife found out he'd been seeing someone on the quiet.他妻子发现他一直在偷偷地和别人约会。His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛。He surreptitiously eased his tie and was able to breathe a little easier.偷偷地松了松领带,呼吸畅快了一点。The tension drained slightly and they stole little glances at each other.紧张气氛略有缓和,他们偷偷地相互看了几眼。I cannot enter my house because my husband surreptitiously changed the door lock while I was out.我进不了房间,因为我的丈夫偷偷地趁我不在时将门锁换了。Joe had been leading a double life, seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.乔过着双重的生活: 他偷偷地和一名前模特儿幽会,而他妻子却以为他是在出差。They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table.他们偷偷地观察旁边一张桌子上坐在内德和阿尔吉中间的劳伦。




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