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词汇 choking
例句 He could see she was choking up.他能看出她情绪十分激动。Joe gagged on his first cigarette, red-faced and choking.乔抽了第一口烟后就想吐,他满脸通红,呛个不已。Business leaders claim that the strong pound is choking exports.商界领袖宣称坚挺的英镑正在阻碍出口。He was choking back tears as he talked about his late wife.谈到已故的妻子时,他强忍住眼泪。Food breathed into the windpipe can cause choking.吸进气管的食物会造成窒息。She began to weep in choking sobs, and Meadows tried to calm her.她开始哽咽抽泣,梅多斯试着让她平静下来。Energy shortages are choking growth in many branches of industry.能源短缺阻滞着许多工业部门的发展。Nuts are easily breathed into the windpipe and can cause choking.坚果容易被吸入气管,造成窒息。At last I reached the shore and fell onto the sand, choking and spluttering.我终于到了岸边,倒在沙滩上感到窒息,不断噗噗地吐气。Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.突然她发出一声低沉哽咽的呻吟,然后剧烈颤抖起来。Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.浓烟打着旋儿滚滚升起,恶臭的烟气呛得她透不过气来。Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.突然,她发出了一声低沉而哽咽的呻吟,然后剧烈地颤抖起来。The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration.无限制的移民让首都内罗毕人满为患。Morrison died after choking on his own vomit.莫里森是呕吐的时候呛死的。Michael was saved from choking to death by Susie.迈克尔差点儿噎死,苏茜救了他。Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke.几分钟不到,大厅里就弥漫着呛人的烟雾了。The weeds are choking my plants.野草妨碍我家花木生长。The old king died after choking on a chicken bone.年迈的国王被一根鸡骨头噎死了。The thick smoke was choking me.浓烟呛得我喘不过气来。The fire gave off choking fumes.大火冒出呛人的烟雾。Then suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.她突然发出一声低沉、憋闷的呻吟,身体开始剧烈地颤抖。Cars and trucks are choking up our streets.轿车和卡车把我们的街道堵塞了。I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, choking me.我感觉好像有重物压在我胸口,让我喘不过气来。His hands were round her throat, choking her.他的双手掐住她的喉咙使她无法呼吸。Water had entered his lungs and he was choking.他肺里进了水,呛住了。We were choking on fumes.我们被浓烟呛得喘不过气来。She spoke with difficulty, choking back her tears.她哽咽着强忍住眼泪,费劲地说着。Logs were choking up the stream.原木塞满了小河。She choked to death. = She died by choking.她因窒息而死。The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration.移民纷纷涌入首都内罗毕,人满为患。Don't hold so tight, you're choking me.别抓得这么紧,你快把我掐死了。Mike thumped Stephanie's back several times to stop her choking.斯蒂芬妮噎住了,迈克给她的背捶了几下让她好起来。A growth on the artery wall is choking off the blood supply.动脉血管壁的增厚阻塞了血液的供给。Weeds were choking the stream.野草将溪流堵塞了。




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