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The teacher made an example of him by suspending him from school.老师将他停学,以儆效尤。Martinez was suspended for a week because he attacked another student.马丁内斯被罚停学一周,因为他袭击了另一名学生。The principal suspended the student from school for fighting.校长勒令打架学生停学。Under a strict interpretation of the rules, she would be suspended.如果严格按规章制度解释,对她要作停学处理。We both got suspended for fighting.我俩因打架双双被勒令停学。The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.校董会一致同意勒令琳达·科尔于本学年余下时间内停学。Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police.布坎南因与警察发生肢体冲突而被乔治敦大学停学一年。He was suspended from school and referred for counselling.他被暂时停学去接受心理辅导。He was rusticated from Oxford for a term.他被牛津大学处罚停学一学期。His record shows several suspensions from school.他的记录上显示有几次被勒令停学。The fight led to his suspension from school.他因那次打架被暂时停学。 |