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词汇 存货
例句 They were forced to sell most of the stock half-price.他们被迫半价卖掉大部分的存货Half of our stock is for use, the other half for store.我们的存货一半供使用,另一半供储备。There is not much stock in the shop right now.目前店里存货不多。We have a small stock in the way of hats.本店有少量帽子存货His first job as a systems analyst was to reorganize they way the store's stock was recorded.他当系统分析师的第一个任务是重新组织商店存货的记录方式。At the end of the season, the overstock is sold off at a discount.季末,存货打折出售。The store sells end-of-season stock at heavily discounted prices.这家商店以跳楼价甩卖过季存货We're building up our stocks of books and toys to get ready for the Christmas rush.我们正在增加书籍和玩具的存货,为圣诞购物潮作好准备。Our supplies of petrol were running short.我们的汽油存货不多了。Overall, imports account for half of our stock.总体上来讲,进口货物占我们存货的一半。They have sold out their whole stock of eggs.他们已把鸡蛋的全部存货卖完了。We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale.我们决定将一批存货下架。The people at the toy shop expect to shift a lot of stock in the run-up to Christmas.玩具店商希望能在圣诞节前卖掉一大堆存货Producers try to unload big unsold stocks.生产商试图抛售大量未卖出的存货Retailers sometimes try to offload excess stock in the January sales.零售商有时会在一月份大减价中设法把过量的存货卖掉。If it’s in stock, then we have it!假如有存货,我们就会拥有它。They're selling off last year's stock at half price.他们正以半价抛售去年的存货The computer brings the huge task of stock control down to more manageable proportions.计算机使繁重的存货管理工作变得比较易于操作。The residue of the stock was sold.剩余的存货卖掉了。The new toys are so hot that stores can't keep them in stock.这种新玩具太流行了,连商店都没有了存货Their plants, their equipment, and inventories were mortgaged heavily.他们的厂房、设备和存货被大量地用作抵押。They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can.只要存货能脱手,无论采取什么方式他们都愿意。Some suppliers were selling at a loss to shift stock.一些供应商赔本销售存货Manufacturers are groaning under a pile of inventories.制造商们在成堆的存货面前怨声载道。Hurry, as we only have a limited supply of these TVs in stock!这些电视存货有限,欲购从速!This shop sells its old stock at very low prices.这家商店以极低的价格出售以前的存货Most industries have inventories in balance with sales.多数制造业拥有与销售额保持平衡的存货Someone came in half an hour ago and bought up our entire stock of Italian wine.半小时以前,有人来买走了我们的意大利葡萄酒的全部存货She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop.她想要把家里的家具与店里的存货调换一下。Some days he doesn't eat anything, while other days he goes to the other extreme and eats everything in the refrigerator.有些天他什么都不吃,而另一些天他又走另一个极端,把冰箱里的存货一扫而空。




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