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词汇 偏执
例句 Many people found his bigoted comments offensive.很多人觉得他的偏执言论令人恼火。Her speech included a bigoted attack on Hispanics她的讲话里包含对西班牙裔偏执的攻击。I was free of my previous paranoia.我已经摆脱了之前的偏执Your article is full of some of the most opinionated rubbish I have ever read.你的文章充斥着我所读过的一些最为偏执的胡言乱语。He was bigoted and racist.他非常偏执,而且信奉种族主义。He was gripped by paranoia.他为偏执所累。His warped sense of patriotism caused him to see enemies everywhere.他那偏执的爱国主义意识使他感到草木皆兵,处处是敌。He grew up in a stifling atmosphere of bigotry and narrow-mindedness.他在偏执、狭隘的压抑环境中长大。His political opponents consider him a racist bigot.他的政治对手认为他是个种族偏执者。Her passion for cleanliness borders on paranoia.她的洁癖近乎偏执Bigotry goes hand in hand with intolerance.愚顽与偏执相伴而来。I love sport but I'm not obsessional.我热爱运动,但我不偏执于此。External threats will just fuel paranoia among those in power.外部威胁只会加剧当权者的偏执That's disgusting! Such bigoted behaviour is completely unacceptable.太不像话了!这种偏执的行为是完全不能接受的。The police chief has been accused of being intolerant and ignorant.警察局长被人指责偏执、无知。The paranoia is setting in.开始变得偏执Bigoted attitudes don't change very quickly.偏执的态度是不会很快转变的。He deplored religious bigotry.他强烈谴责了宗教偏执Religious intolerance has always been a major cause of war.宗教偏执一向是战争的主要原因之一。It just smacks of paranoia.那只是有些偏执My grandfather was an old-fashioned, bigoted, grumpy old man.我祖父是个守旧、偏执、满腹牢骚的老人。I was guilty perhaps of mild paranoia.我为自己也许有点儿偏执而内疚。His opponent called him a bigoted demagogue.他的对手称他是位蛊惑民心的偏执的政客。His narrow-minded article made me angry.他那篇思想偏执的文章我看了很生气。




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