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词汇 brutality
例句 This was an act of extreme brutality.这是一种极端野蛮的行为。The state appears to condone police brutality.这个州似乎容忍警察的暴行。Civil rights activists were appalled by the brutality of the police.民权人士对警察的野蛮行径大为震惊。The whole street protested such police brutality.全街区的人都抗议警方这种野蛮行为。The coup attempt was followed by police brutality, executions, and torture.政变后,随之就发生了警察的野蛮行为、处决和严刑拷打。The hostages were subjected to extreme brutality.那些人质遭受惨无人道的对待。The killings were an act of mindless brutality.这些杀人事件是无谓的野蛮行为。The government tried to explain away the police's unexpected brutality, but this only led to rioting.政府试图为警察出人意料的野蛮行为辩解,结果却引起了暴动。The report claimed that the problem of police brutality was widespread.该报告称警方的暴行普遍存在。Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.有人指控军队中存在暴行和盗窃行为。The mayor attempted to cover up what was a clear case of police brutality. 市长试图掩盖一起明显的警察施暴案件。He accused the police of using unwarranted brutality.他指控警方无端施暴。Seeing so much brutality towards prisoners had not hardened them to it.尽管目瞩了诸多对待囚犯的残忍行径,他们也没有变得冷酷无情。Wherever tyranny, oppression, and brutality have threatened the free world, our countries have stood for the triumph of good over evil.不论哪里的暴政、压迫、暴虐威胁到自由世界,我们两国都坚信善良会战胜邪恶。I was thoroughly disgusted with the brutality of the system.这个制度十分残酷,让我反感极了。Mzukwa grew quiet as he recalled the brutality and sadism of the prison guards.迈朱克瓦回想起狱警的残暴和虐待狂便沉默下来。People were shocked by the animal brutality of the attack.那禽兽般的野蛮暴行让人们大为震惊。There have been many complaints of police brutality.有很多关于警方使用暴力的投诉。Even the most hardened criminal would have been shocked by the brutality of the crime.纵然是最冷酷无情的罪犯也会对这起犯罪案件中的残暴行径感到震惊。Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.她所结识的男人都专横和粗暴。The brutality of the murders was beyond belief.这些凶杀案的残暴令人难以置信。




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