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词汇 boom
例句 The boom of cannon continued for most of the day.炮声隆隆,一直响了大半天。Many of the sites launched at the peak of the Internet boom have now disappeared.许多在网络繁荣顶峰时期成立的网站现在已经销声匿迹了。Demand for consumer products helped fuel the boom.消费品需求促进了经济繁荣。He gave his own prescription for a long boom.他提出了自己一套保持长期繁荣的妙方。The long boom of the crane functions like our arms.起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。What happens when the housing boom finally slows?房地产繁荣速度最终放缓时会发生什么情况?The stillness was broken by the boom of a cannon.大炮的轰隆声打破了沉寂。City growth far outran the general population boom.城市的发展大大超过总的人口激增。The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.腐败似乎没有影响国家经济的持续繁荣。U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks.美国制造商将会发现出口热戛然而止。She made a fortune in the property boom.她在房地产大热的时候发了财。The hoped-for boom never materialized.期待的繁荣从未变为现实。The impact of the property boom was first felt in the financial markets.金融市场最先感受到房地产繁荣所带来的影响。We heard the sonic boom of a jet overhead.我们听到头上喷气式飞机的声爆。We heard a hollow boom of thunder.我们听到低沉的隆隆雷声。He made a small fortune in the London property boom.他在伦敦房产升温的时候发了一笔小财。US manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks.美国制造商可能会发现出口热戛然而止。The city is having a building boom.这个城市正在大兴土木。He made a fortune in the London property boom.他在伦敦房地产业迅猛发展期间发了财。The boom in mobile phones has made phone boxes virtually redundant.手机的流行已使电话亭几乎成为多余。The market has cooled. But the city is going to boom again.市面变得萧条了,但这座城市将重新繁荣起来。They bought their house at the apex of the property boom.他们在房地产最火热的时候买下了他们的房子。The commodity boom departed nearly as quickly as it arrived.商品繁荣来得快去得也快。Brisbane has become the boom town for Australian film and television.布里斯班已经成为澳大利亚新兴的影视城。After several years of an economic boom, it looks as though we may be heading toward a depression.几年的经济繁荣过后,看来我们可能要进入经济萧条期了。Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom.当地公司不失时机地利用石油价格暴涨大赚其钱。Stocks may boom today, but droop tomorrow.股票可能今天暴涨,但明天又下跌。This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political reasons.这片繁荣景象是总理为了短期政治利益而精心安排的。The stock-market boom is dangerously unbalanced.股票市场畸形繁荣,暗藏风险。An unprecedented boom in tourism brought prosperity to the town.旅游业前所未有的景气给小镇带来了繁荣。The town is trying to deal with the population boom and the attendant increase in traffic.小镇正努力解决人口激增和随之而来的交通拥挤问题。The boom of the airplane was damaged.飞机的尾桁受到损害。The recent boom in mobile phone sales seems to have reached a plateau.最近移动电话的销售量在经历了一段时间的高速增长后好像已经停滞了。The book hit the floor with a boom.书落在地上发出砰的一声。There was a baby boom in the UK and the US after the Second World War.二战后,英国和美国都出现了一次生育高峰。The economic boom was fueled by easy credit.宽松的信贷政策刺激了经济繁荣。The boom is expected to peak out soon.预计这种繁荣不久就会开始衰落。At present, we are witnessing another building boom.当前,我们又一次处于建筑繁荣期。The economic boom was fuelled by easy credit.经济繁荣是受到了宽松信贷的刺激。The long whining whistle of a shell was followed by the dull boom of the explosion.在炮弹长长的哀鸣声呼啸而过之后是隆隆而低沉的爆炸声。




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