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词汇 boomed
例句 Out at sea, a foghorn boomed eerily.在海上,一只雾角发出瘆人的呜呜声。The cannon boomed again.大炮再次隆隆作响。Thunder boomed loudly overhead.雷声在我们头顶隆隆作响。Although you'd think business would have boomed during the war, there was only a small spike in interest.人们会认为战争期间生意会很红火,但实际上利息只有小幅上升。The thunder crashed and boomed around us.巨雷突然炸开,在我们周围隆隆作响。California boomed when gold was discovered there.加利福尼亚在发现了黄金后迅速繁荣起来。Thunder crashed and boomed outside.外面雷声轰隆作响。Occasional volleys of shellfire boomed out from beyond the walls of the city.城墙外面不时传来排炮的轰鸣声。The war boomed the aircraft industry.战争使航空工业迅速发展起来。Music boomed out from loudspeakers.喇叭中传出低沉的音乐声。The big guns boomed in the distance.远处大砲声隆隆作响。Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚,一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。Thunder boomed like battlefield cannons over Crooked Mountain.雷声像战场上的炮声一样响彻克鲁克德山。Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.头顶上空雷声隆隆。She boomed commands from the stern of the ship.她在船尾用低沉而有力的声音发布命令。His voice boomed down the hall.他深沉洪亮的声音响彻大厅。Business boomed after the depression.萧条之后生意兴隆起来。The county boomed when gold was discovered there.那个县在发现了黄金后便繁荣起来。Rock music boomed from speakers above the stage.舞台上方的扬声器里传来隆隆回响的摇滚乐声。Housing construction has boomed in the past year.住宅建设在去年得到迅速发展。Tourism on the island has boomed.该岛的旅游业迅速发展。Foreign investments boomed the city.国外投资使这个城市迅速繁荣起来。His voice boomed out across the congregation.他低沉而有力的声音传遍整个人群。Thunder boomed in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。He turned his sightless eyes their way and boomed out a greeting.他将失明的双眼转向他们,低声打了个招呼。With the expansion of air travel, tourism boomed.随着航空旅行的发展,旅游业兴旺起来。




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