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They will swoop in one day and strip the place of every item of worth.有朝一日他们会突袭而入,把这里所有值钱的东西劫掠一空。They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them off as valuable antiques.他们收购旧家具,然后假称它们是值钱的古董。The burglars stole everything of value in my apartment.这帮窃贼偷走了我寓所里全部值钱的东西。Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.古旧的相机不一定就值钱。You should hang onto that painting - it might be valuable.你应该保留那幅画,它可能会很值钱。It might contain something of value.它里面也许还有什么值钱的东西。Some fine wines increase in value as they get older.有些好酒越陈越值钱。The passengers in the general compartment of Shramjivi Express were looted and robbed of their valuables.什拉姆基维特快上普通车厢里乘客身上的值钱物品被偷抢一空。He was very poor when he died, but now his paintings are worth a fortune.他死的时候很穷,但是现在他的画值钱了。If you keep valuables in your house, lock them away somewhere safe.如果家里有值钱的东西,就得放在安全的地方锁起来。When we got back, we were devastated to find that the house had been burgled, and everything of value taken.我们回到家里发现家里被盗,凡值钱的都被拿走了,感到极为震惊。My aunt discovered that her old doll was a collector's item and worth a lot of money.我姨妈发现她的旧布娃娃是一件很值钱的收藏品。I have an autographed picture of John Lennon that's worth quite a lot.我有一张约翰·列侬亲笔签名的照片,很值钱。Put away any valuable or breakable objects.把所有值钱的东西和易碎的物品都收起来。Besides her studio apartment, she also owns a valuable estate in Italy.除了一套单室公寓,她还在意大利拥有一处值钱的地产。You can't give away Granny's old bookcase - it's a valuable antique.你不能把奶奶的旧书柜送人,那可是件值钱的古董啊。He had stripped the house of all articles of value.他把房间里值钱的东西洗劫一空。That painting must be worth a lot of money.那幅画一定很值钱。The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.窃贼把房子翻了个底朝天,但没有找到任何值钱的东西。The necklace is interesting but not very valuable.这条项链很吸引人,但不是很值钱。Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.爸爸早就把值钱的东西都卖光了。All his valuables are in the hutch.他所有值钱的东西都在那个贮藏箱里。Uncut diamonds are worth less than those that have been cut and shaped.未经雕琢的钻石不如那些切割好的值钱。Thieves stripped the house of everything of value.窃贼偷走了屋子里所有值钱的东西。We were astounded to discover a valuable painting in the attic.发现阁楼里有一幅值钱的画,我们惊呆了。The car is probably worth a lot more, but she agreed to let it go for five thousand dollars. 这辆车可能很值钱,但她只要五千美元就同意出手。Silver coins of this period are not common, and could be very valuable.这一时期的银币不常见,可能很值钱。Their house is worth a fortune.他们的房子很值钱。Wine may outrank citrus as Sicily's most valuable product.葡萄酒的重要性可能超过柑橘而成为西西里最值钱的产品。You should hang on to that painting. It might be worth something one day.那幅画你应该留着,有一天可能会值钱呢。The burglars took nearly everything in the house that was of any value.窃贼把屋里任何值钱不值钱的东西都几乎全偷走了。They discovered various chattels and valuable goods in the abandoned house.他们在这个被废弃的房子里发现了各种各样的动产和值钱的东西。Candid shots of celebrities are worth a lot of money.偷拍的名人照片很值钱。Is it good value? The jury is still out on that.它很值钱吗? 还没有定论。Thieves got away with silver and several valuable paintings, including one by Picasso.窃贼偷走了银器和几幅很值钱的画,其中有一幅是毕加索的。In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.他们在河水上涨仓促逃离时,丢掉了一些值钱的装备。Everyone dreams of finding a valuable old painting in the attic.大家都梦想着在阁楼里会发现一幅值钱的古画。You should hang on to those old coins; they could be valuable.你应该留着那些旧钱币,它们可能很值钱。Sally was nosing around in the attic hoping to find some valuable antiques.萨莉在阁楼上找来找去,希望能找到值钱的古董。 |