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词汇 值得
例句 The National Lottery provides extra money for deserving causes.全国博彩向值得赞助的事业提供额外资金。The incentive must be sufficiently great to warrant the investment.必须有足够大的回报激励才值得投资。Winning the war, he believes, was worth the cost in lives.他认为,以流血牺牲为代价赢得这场战争是值得的。It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate.这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。There's nothing for you to feel jealous about.没有什么值得你嫉妒的。That was just a magniloquent gesture on his part. Nothing substantial that is worth reporting.那只是他华而不实的一种姿态而已。没有任何值得报导的实质意义。Comparing prices can be a worthwhile exercise.价格比较可能是值得一做的。It was a question which deserved serious consideration.这是一个值得认真考虑的问题。Group dynamics are important to consider.小组成员间的互动是值得思考的重要问题。If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it's worth carrying.如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.人群为了被视为最值得拥有的物品涌入屋里。The cause is worthy of our continued support.这一事业值得我们继续不断的支持。Is it worthwhile to try to fix my computer?我的电脑还值得修吗?Both ideas merit further consideration.两种观点都值得进一步考虑。In spite of the inattentive servers and the bad decor, it's worth eating at Leon's for the great cheap food.尽管利昂餐馆侍者服务不周,装潢欠佳,但是食品价廉物美,值得一尝。Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable.你对事业的奉献精神是值得高度赞扬的。If you want to attract customers, it pays to advertise.如果你想吸引顾客,做广告是值得的。The Caledonian Hotel is upmarket but definitely worth a look-in.加里多涅酒店非常阳春白雪,但绝对值得体验一下。This book deserves careful perusal.这本书值得仔细研读。He saw nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition.他在展览会上没有看到值得注目的东西。It is also worth tagging on an extra day or two to see the capital.为了看看首都,再多个一两天也值得Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information.有些话题似乎还算有趣,值得去了解一下更详细的内容。I don't know if the story is good enough to bear completing.我不知道这个短篇是否写得还可以,值得写完它。This is the only book of his worth reading. The others are rubbish.这是唯一一本值得他读的书,其他的都是垃圾。They deserve our gratitude for all the work they do.他们所做的一切值得我们感激。It is debatable whether or not antibiotics would make any difference.抗生素是否有效仍值得商榷。We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us.我们已经让他们相信与我们合作是值得的。The time and expense involved in keeping up to date with all the changes has been worthwhile.为跟上所有这些变动而花费的时间和费用是值得的。They all behaved very commendably.他们的行为都值得高度赞扬。Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.这些观点中有些值得进一步探究,但是没有必要全盘重来。These findings merit further exploration.这些结果值得进一步探究。She has some interesting reflections about the spiritual state of the country.她对这个国家的精神状态有些值得思考的见解。If we only have some success in reducing the number infected with HIV, I feel it will have been worthwhile.只要我们在减少艾滋病病毒感染人数这个工作上取得一定的成功,我就觉得这是值得的。No one is worth a great deal of sacrifice.没有谁值得付出重大的牺牲。We believed it was a cause worth defending.我们相信这是一项值得拥护的事业。The only other item that merited a banner headline was the murder of a prostitute.唯一另外一条值得用通栏大标题刊登的新闻是一个妓女的被杀。These aircraft are still earning their keep.这些飞机还值得使用。The victory was a cause for great celebration.这次胜利值得隆重庆祝。They rate a big thank-you for all their hard work.他们的努力值得好好感谢。He deserves the respect and applause of his colleagues.值得同事们尊敬和称赞。




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