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词汇 越南战争
例句 How many civilians died in the Vietnam War?越南战争中有多少平民死亡?The Vietnam War dashed President Johnson's hopes of a second term of office.越南战争使约翰逊总统连任的希望破灭了。The Vietnam War was just about to end.那时越南战争就要结束了。Both of these women have strong memories of the Vietnam War.这两位妇女都对越南战争记忆深刻。He took part in the Vietnam War.他参加过越南战争He was a POW during the Vietnam war.他在越南战争期间被俘过。The Vietnam conflict ultimately was lost.越南战争以失败告终。He died in the First World War/the Vietnam war.他在第一次世界大战/越南战争中丧生。The war in Vietnam dragged on with no clear-cut victory.越南战争没完没了地拖着,未能完胜。The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War.美国军方希望避免出现类似于越南战争那样逐步升级的态势。Fighting in Vietnam was an experience that would haunt him for the rest of his life.越南战争的经历给他日后的生活留下了挥之不去的阴影。The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US越南战争在美国是一个极具争议的问题。The Americans were still smarting from their defeat in the Vietnam War.美国人仍然对越南战争的失败耿耿于怀。The brutal destruction of an entire village was one of the worst atrocities of the Vietnam war.残酷地摧毁整座村庄是越南战争中最令人发指的暴行之一。The cast of characters includes President Johnson and his top advisers during the Vietnam War.重要角色有约翰逊总统以及越南战争期间他的几名高级顾问。




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