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Pinch out the tips of bushy herbs like basil to encourage the plants to thicken out.修剪罗勒等灌木药材使其生长得更加茂盛。Bill preened his beard.比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners.把你的眉毛修剪得越往外眼角越细。Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?.你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树?You can train this vine to climb up a wall.你可以修剪这棵葡萄藤使它爬墙生长。You have to prune a bush if you want fruit.如果想让灌木结果,就必须进行修剪。The lawn really needs mowing.草坪真需要修剪了。The bushes need pruning.这些灌木得修剪了。The bushes in my yard need to be trimmed.我院子里的灌木丛需要修剪了。Lightly prune back the overgrown shoots of evergreens.对常青树长势过猛的嫩枝稍加修剪。Complete the pruning of established rose bushes and give them a feed.把这些已扎根的玫瑰花丛修剪完,然后给它们施肥。Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves.苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。The grass in our yard needs to be cut. 我们院子里的草坪需要修剪了。Cut back the shoots in spring to encourage bushier growth.春天要修剪新枝以促使植物生长得更加茂密。It's important to prune the bush every year to encourage new growth.每年修剪对促进灌木生长很重要。Trim toenails straight across using nail clippers.用指甲刀逐个修剪脚趾甲。These shrubs require only a little light pruning.这些灌木只需略微修剪。She trimmed the stalks of the tulips before putting them in a vase.她修剪了一下郁金香的花梗,然后把它们插进了花瓶。Prune the trees in the early spring.早春修剪一下树木吧。Cut back flowered herbaceous plants to encourage a further flush of blooms.修剪开过花的草本植物,使其萌发出更多的花朵。I was engaged in the delicate task of clipping the dog's claws.我那时做的是修剪狗爪这种精细的工作。Prune the trees hard in the winter.在冬天将树木做大幅度修剪。This mower is handy for cutting a small to middling sized area.用这台剪草机修剪小块或中等大小的草地很是顺手。The ball rolled across the immaculately manicured lawn.球滚过修剪得很平整的草坪。The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。The lawn needs a mow. 草坪需要修剪了。Making the most of your hair means getting the cut and shape right.让头发达到最佳效果意味着要修剪得当,并选择合适的发型。We trimmed the bush into a heart shape.我们把灌木丛修剪成心形。What's the best time of the year for pruning apple trees?一年中什么时候修剪苹果树最好?His finger nails were square and cut neatly across.他的手指甲是方形的,修剪得很齐。He trimmed his mustache.他修剪了他的小胡子。If you cut your rubber plant back, it should send out new side shoots.橡胶树修剪完后,应会长出新枝。It is best to coppice the trees in the winter before the sap rises.最好在冬天就修剪这些树木,不要等到树汁增多。Her nails had been manicured and lightly touched with colour.她的指甲修剪得整整齐齐,还涂了淡淡的颜色。The bush must be pruned to remain productive.灌木必须修剪以保持其生长力。The hedges need to be trimmed.树篱需要修剪了。She spent the afternoon pruning roses.她用下午的时间修剪了玫瑰。Some shrubs need to be cut back to allow more light to reach them.一些灌木需要修剪才能让更多阳光照进去。Those trees need to be pruned every year.那些树每年都需要修剪。 |