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词汇 信服
例句 He gave an implausible excuse for showing up late for work.他为上班迟到找了一个令人难以信服的借口。Their argument failed to persuade me.他们的论点没有使我信服You still don't sound convinced.你听上去好像还是没有信服My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.我父母起初对此心存疑虑,但是我们很快就让他们信服了。The proposition is incomprehensible to us, and hence a fortiori we cannot be justified in believing it.对此提议我们无法理解,因此更加难以信服Her explanation failed to satisfy the jury.她的解释未能让陪审团信服The charge must be proved to the satisfaction of the court. 控告必须使法庭信服He had us all convinced/fooled.他让我们所有人信服/都被耍了。Our new policy on tax reform will certainly help the economy. The only problem will be convincing the voters.我们这个新的税务改革政策肯定有助于经济的发展,唯一的问题是要让选民信服Her story by itself is not enough to convict him.她的故事本身不足以让他信服He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything.他解释说公司会支付一切费用,这个说法有点令人不能信服When I asked what he was doing there, he came up with some unlikely explanation.当我问他在那里做什么的时候,他的解释令人难以信服Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.莫莉同意了,但是她听上去并不是很信服Your argument has fetched her round.你的论据使她信服了。They gave some unconvincing explanations for the system failure.关于这个系统的失灵,他们给出了一些令人难以信服的理由。His blandiloquence did not convince me.他的甜言蜜语未能使我信服Subterfuges didn't wash with Ella.这些花招无法使埃拉信服She didn't look convinced, but said nothing.她看上去没有信服,但不作声。I was doubtful that he could run his own company, but he's made a believer out of me. = He's made me a believer. 我曾对他能经营好自己的公司持怀疑态度,结果他让我信服了。The explanation seemed to satisfy him.这个解释似乎让他信服了。Many people doubted his theory, but most of them have now finally seen the light. 许多人怀疑他的理论,但他们中的大多数人现在终于信服了。He couldn't convince her anyhow.他怎么想办法也不能使她信服Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity. 这本书大部分内容是可信的,但结尾部分令人难以信服Her description of events was not enough to satisfy the court.她对事件经过的叙述不能让法庭信服




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