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词汇 Dad
例句 You tell him Dad - I'm sure he'll listen to you.你去跟他说吧,爸爸,我敢肯定他会听你的。Dad always wanted me to be able to fend for myself from a very early age.我幼年时起爸爸就一直要求我能够独立生活。It took a lot of persuasion to get Dad to agree to the idea.劝说了老半天,爸爸才同意那个主意。Dad gave me some really good advice.爸爸给了我一些非常明智的建议。He thinks the world of his Dad.他极敬重他的父亲。Dad got really mad at me for scratching the car.爸爸对我划坏了汽车感到很生气。Getting Dad to agree will be the hard part.让爸爸同意会是很难的。Dad wasn't working and money was short.爸爸没有工作,家里很缺钱。Dad came along to give me some moral support.爸爸过来了,要给我一些精神支持。My sister was jealous because Dad made such a fuss of me.爸爸对我无微不至,所以我姐姐很嫉妒。How much do you visit with your Mom and Dad while you're here?你在这里的时候,常去看你父母吗?The doctor said that he wants to start Dad on a special low-cholesterol diet.医生说,他要让爸爸按特别规定进食,吃低胆固醇的东西。It was a terrible upheaval when Dad died.父亲去世时家里乱得一团糟。Dad can be so long-winded sometimes, I cringe when he starts talking to someone new.爸爸有时真是啰唆,他和新认识的人开始说话时我就感到难为情。If I can't get the money any other way, as a last resort I could borrow it from Dad.如果我没有其他办法筹钱,最后的办法就是向父亲借。If you put all your savings towards the cost of a bike, your Dad and I will pay the difference.如果你用上了全部积蓄买自行车,那么差额由我和你爸来付。I stole a glance at Dad's angry face.我偷偷瞧了一下父亲的怒容。Dad's on the war path – you'd better make yourself scarce.爸爸正在发火,你最好走开。Here comes the smut, Martha. Dad is drunk and cursing heaven again.玛莎,脏话出来了。爸醉了,又在诅咒老天爷。He became Dad's little helper.他成了父亲的小帮手。Dad read the front page while the kids read the comics.父亲读报纸头版,孩子们看连环漫画。The trouble is once Dad gets started on a subject, he tends to ramble.麻烦的是爸爸一旦开始谈论什么,他往往会东拉西扯地说个不休。Hey Dad, can I stay at Sara's house tonight?嗨,爸爸,我今天晚上可以住在萨拉家里吗?Since Dad lost his job he just sits around the house all day.自从爸爸失业以来,他整日坐在家里,无所事事。We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.我们等爸爸妈妈回家。Dad told us to sit tight while he went back to find Mom.爸回去找妈的时候,他要我们耐心等待。Dad went ballistic when he saw the dent in his car.爸爸发现他车身上的凹痕时大发脾气。Dad was furious with me.爸爸对我很生气。Dad wanted to lend me the money, so I wouldn't have to take it out of my savings.爸爸要把这笔钱借给我,这样我就不用从我的储蓄中拿出来了。I think I'm in trouble with Dad.我想我爸要找我麻烦了。I asked Dad to lend me some money, but he said no.我问爸爸借些钱,但他不肯。Dad was glued to the TV all day long.爸爸整天一动不动地看电视。I thought Dad would be angry, but he just laughed.我以为爸爸会生气,但是他却笑了。Dad took the day off to come with me.爸爸请了假和我一起来。Dad was the anchor of the family.爸爸是家里的支柱。Dad brought back his prize catch, a three-foot striped bass.老爸带回了他超棒的捕获物,一条三英尺长的条纹鲈鱼。Dad said Chris could stay the night.爸爸说克里斯可以留下来过夜。Dad was up the ladder, repairing the roof.爸爸在梯子上修补屋顶。First thing in the morning is by far the worst time to ask Dad a favour.一大早叫爸爸帮忙最不是时候。Dad looked sad and worried as he read the letter.爸爸读着信,看上去又难过又担心。




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