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例句 He remained outwardly calm.他表面上保持着镇静。The Federal Reserve has been holding interest rates down/up.美联储一直保持着低利率/高利率。They are in daily radio contact with the rebel leader.他们每天通过无线电与叛军首领保持着联系。She still keeps up with her old friends from college.她仍跟大学的老朋友保持着联系。He walked towards the doorway, careful to keep his distance.他朝门口走去,小心翼翼地保持着距离。The company has kept a high profile in the computer industry.这家公司在计算机行业一直保持着很高的关注度。The soldiers broke into a run, keeping formation.士兵们突然跑起来,并保持着队形。The Pyramids retain a remarkable hold on the human imagination.金字塔一直保持着引发人类想象的巨大魅力。Such cynicism could not penetrate his childish innocence.他如此愤世嫉俗,却仍然保持着一派天真。Her face not only kept its youth but did so to a preternatural extent.她的脸不仅保持着青春,而且是异乎寻常地年轻。I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I've kept in touch with him ever since.我是在马德里工作时认识他的,从那以后,我和他一直保持着联系。Rose stayed separate from the other children.罗丝与其他小孩保持着距离。He and his boss have always had a good working relationship.他与上司一直保持着良好的工作关系。We were in communication with each other.我们之间保持着联系。We do keep in contact.我们确实保持着联系。They stayed at a comfortable distance from the crowd.他们和人群保持着适当的距离。A lot of couples remain friends after their marriage ends.许多夫妇在婚姻结束以后仍然保持着朋友关系。Their music is still raw and unpretentious.他们的音乐依然保持着原汁原味的简朴特色。She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal.保持着冷静与克制,努力使自己走出了这次痛苦的经历。The company maintains a high degree of liquidity.公司保持着很高的资产折现力。He remained dumb, refusing to answer.保持着沉默,拒绝回答。The children followed us, leaving a clearing around us.孩子们跟着我们,在我们周围保持着一段距离。The economy was still going gangbusters.经济依然保持着强劲的发展势头。Other countries retained their traditional ways of doing things.其他国家仍然保持着传统的行事方式。Many of the worst gangsters maintained an air of respectability.许多最坏的匪徒都保持着一副正派体面的样子。Eastwood has maintained an image as a tough guy.伊斯特伍德保持着硬汉形象。He did the work with his customary efficiency.他做这个工作时保持着一贯的高效率。Her body had the muscle tone of her youth.保持着青年时代的健壮体格。I kept a comfortable distance behind the van.我在厢式货车后面保持着适当的距离。Britain and Portugal have had cordial relations for more than four centuries.四个多世纪以来英国和葡萄牙一直保持着友好的关系。He was always on his guard against moneymaking schemes.他对赚钱的计划总是保持着警惕。The author pumps out a book every year.那位作者保持着每年写出一本书的高产率。Air France has maintained a high level of service for many years.多年来法国航空公司的服务一直保持着很高的水准。They have maintained a close association with a college in the US.他们同美国一所大学保持着密切的联系。The king carried himself with his customary elegance.国王保持着一贯的温文尔雅。I know for a fact that Graham has kept in close touch with Alan.我知道格雷厄姆确实与艾伦保持着密切的联系。Mr Smith is maintaining a dignified silence.史密斯先生庄重地保持着沉默。The hotel maintains traditional standards of elegance, style, and grace.这家宾馆保持着传统的优雅格调。Despite these disadvantages, many older people maintain an active social life.尽管有这些不便因素,许多老年人仍保持着活跃的社交生活。The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry.这个部门与化工行业保持着众多密切的联系。




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