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At that age they can legally drink alcohol.依照法律,他们这个年龄可以饮酒。Parents are legally obliged to make sure their children attend school.依照法律,父母有义务确保自己的孩子上学。Under the law the president is able to impose tough penalties.依照法律,总统可以施行严厉的处罚。Legally, the shareholders are the owners of the company.依照法律,股东是公司的拥有者。Companies cannot lawfully sell private medical information.依照法律,公司不能出售私人医疗信息。If the will is not made in contemplation of marriage, then it will be automatically cancelled at law by the marriage.如果遗嘱的签立没有考虑婚姻意愿,那么依照法律,缔结婚姻后,该遗嘱即予作废。 |