例句 |
When he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred.他醒来时头痛欲裂,视力也模糊不清。The following day she woke up with a splitting headache.第二天她醒来时头痛欲裂。I had such a bad headache that I couldn't think straight.我头痛欲裂,根本无法有条理地思考。The next morning, he woke with a most agonizing head.第二天早晨,他醒来头痛欲裂。I had a whopper of a headache.我头痛欲裂。She drank too much wine and woke up the next day with a pounding headache.她喝了太多的酒,第二天醒来头痛欲裂。We were planning to go out last night, but Marcia had a splitting headache.昨晚我们打算外出,但马西娅头痛欲裂。My head is splitting from the noise.这噪音使我头痛欲裂。I have a splitting headache.我头痛欲裂。He woke up with a terrible headache.他醒来后头痛欲裂。When I woke up my mouth was dry and my head was thumping.我醒来时口干舌燥、头痛欲裂。 |