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词汇 体系
例句 The system already exists in embryo.体系已具雏形。The benefits of this system far outweigh the drawbacks.这一体系利远大于弊。The department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.该系已成功地把新理念整合进传统课程体系之中。Later centuries saw the development of a complex agricultural system.在后来的几个世纪中,一个综合农业体系逐渐形成了。The President hasn't been forceful enough in changing the judicial system.总统改革司法体系力度不够。There are no plans to change the current system, which is performing adequately.目前的这个体系运作良好,没有计划要改变。His system rests upon two logically independent arguments.他的体系以两个逻辑上相互独立的论据为依据。He has built a global operation that is clearly bigger than the sum of its parts.他建立了一套全球运作体系,并不是把各地区的活动相加起来那么简单。The school has long been the forgotten stepchild of the state university system.这所学校长期被州立大学体系所遗忘,像个没人要的继子。In the coming years a lot of money will go into restructuring the education system.今后的几年里,将投入很多资金以重建教育体系The new system represents a considerable advance over the old one.与旧体系相比,新体系有相当大的改进。The education system in this country has gone to hell in a handbasket.这个国家的教育体系已经山穷水尽。The new system has interposed a bureaucratic barrier between doctors and patients.体系在医生和患者之间置入了一道官僚主义的障碍。Most of the complaints centered on the inequality of the justice system.大多数投诉都集中在司法体系的不公正。Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.很多英国人仍然会对其司法体系可能产生的高昂费用表示担忧。Anyone who tries to change the system will have to reckon with me. = Anyone who tries to change the system will have me to reckon with. 任何企图改变这个体系的人都得先过我这关。The current healthcare system is inequitable and unjust, with huge disparities between rich and poor.当前的医疗保健体系非常不公平,对待穷人和富人差距悬殊。The needs of individual schools need to be considered in a wider framework.个别学校的需求应放到一个更广大的体系中去考虑。To an outsider, the system seems complex and confusing.对局外人来说,这套体系似乎复杂而难懂。Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation.现实主义和自然主义都是一种模仿体系或表现性的做法。There is private ownership of property in a market economy.市场经济体系中财产是私有的。He knows his way about the system better than do most ministers.他比大多数部长都更熟悉这套体系Without more data we cannot make a meaningful comparison of the two systems.如果没有更多的数据,我们就无法对这两个体系作有意义的比较。A lawyer is part of the machinery of justice.律师是司法体系的一部分。The Scottish Executive may instigate changes to the legislative framework.苏格兰行政院可能会促成立法体系的变革。How is the system organized?这个体系是如何组织的?The whole system of financing is being regularized.正在规范整个融资体系It is hard to understand the complex workings of the social security system.社会保障体系复杂的运作方式令人难以理解。We need to raise taxes to pay for better public healthcare.我们得提高税收来为更好的公共医疗体系提供资金。Such contradictions are inherent to the entire legislation.这样的矛盾是整个立法体系中所固有的。We have no ideological objection to involving private companies in the healthcare system.我们在思想上不反对把私营公司纳入医疗保健体系He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。We would have sent our economy and social security system tumbling.我们就会弄垮经济和社会保障体系Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.列宁说,摧毁资本主义体系的最好办法是击垮其货币。The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.这两个体系实质上是概念模型。Using his daughter's case as a jumping-off point, he described a justice system that ignores the rights of the victim.他从他女儿的事情说起,描述了无视受害者权利的司法体系Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.对女性的偏见遍布司法体系的各个层级。The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment.目前分配体系的变革纯粹是试验性的。The system seems to value conformity over originality.这种体系似乎重视循规蹈矩,而不是独创性。She was at that time much closer to the then unformulated ideas of women's liberation.她那时的观点很接近当时尚未形成体系的种种妇女解放的思想。




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