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词汇 住院
例句 Humphrey is going into hospital to have a knee operation.汉弗莱要住院动膝盖手术。The illness put her in the hospital for three days.她因病住院三天。He published a study of a group of long-stay psychiatric patients.他发表了一项对一群长期住院精神病人的研究。Her father is seriously ill in hospital.她父亲病重住院I landed in hospital with my old back injury.我因背部旧伤住院A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is parted from its parents.住院可能是一个孩子第一次与父母分离的时候。We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital.这小姑娘的母亲住院时,我们领养了她。The nurses at the admission desk asked her for particulars.住院接待处的护士询问了她的详细情况。She paid me a visit while I was in the hospital. = She paid a call on me while I was in the hospital.住院时她来看过我。I'm sorry to have to tell you that your grandmother is in hospital.我很抱歉得告诉你,你祖母住院了。He ended up in hospital with heart palpitations.他因心悸而最终不得不住院He's in hospital, and in a confused state of mind.住院了,意识仍然不清。Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital.医学的进步为许多病人排除了长期住院的需要。The doctor thinks I have neurological disorder. He asks me to stay in the hospital for further checkups.医生说我神经系统失调,要我住院进一步检查。Some of the injured were in need of hospital care.一些受伤人员需要住院接受护理。Dewey had been in hospital for several weeks suffering from malaria.杜威患疟疾住院已好几个星期了。This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.今天下午我们将去探望一位住院的朋友。His mother is seriously ill in the hospital.他母亲住院了,病情严重。Frank sent Emily a get-well card when she was in hospital.埃米莉住院时弗兰克寄柬祝她早日恢复健康。Jessica arrived nine hours after I booked into the hospital.住院九个小时后杰西卡赶到了。Occasionally hospitalization is required to combat dehydration.有时候,治疗脱水也需要住院A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital.两周以后我妈妈住院了。Shortly after his admission into hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died.住院后不久,他就死于大面积脑溢血。How long is the usual stay in hospital?.住院通常要多长时间?I'm afraid your father is getting worse, and we'll have to keep him in hospital.恐怕你父亲的病情加重了,我们得让他住院Pneumonia put him in the hospital for a week.肺炎让他住院一个星期。Paul visited her every day when she was in hospital.住院的时候,保罗每天去看她。He'll have to stay in hospital, but not for long.他需要住院,但时间不会很长的。He played a cameo role, that of a young Aids patient in hospital.他扮演一个非常出彩的小角色:一名住院的年轻艾滋病患者。Will you visit me when I'm in hospital?住院你会来看我吗?Although Grandad was very ill in hospital, it was a comfort for us to know he was in good hands.祖父虽然病重住院,但是我们知道他得到很好的照顾,也是一种安慰了。After two months in a hospital bed, I felt a bit rocky on my feet.住院卧床两个月后,我感到走路有点摇摇晃晃的。Patients often comment upon lack of sleep whilst in hospital.病人常常埋怨说住院时睡眠不足。I thought seriously about death while I was in the hospital.住院时认真思考过死亡问题。Her hospitalization had lasted several months.她已经住院好几个月了。Surgery patients now spend much less time in the hospital.动手术的病人现在住院时间短多了。A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents.住院可能是孩子第一次与父母分开。He was released after a brief hospitalization.住院没多久就出院了。In recent years the average hospital stay for elderly patients has decreased.近年来,老年人的平均住院时间缩短了。If he takes her to hospital they might keep her in.如果他送她上医院,他们也许会让她住院




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