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词汇 睡一会儿
例句 She laid the baby in his crib for a nap.她轻轻地把宝宝放到婴儿床上让他小睡一会儿He usually takes a snooze after lunch.他经常午饭后小睡一会儿I just need to get some sleep.我只是需要睡一会儿He put the baby down for a nap.他把婴儿放下,让他睡一会儿I'm trying to get some sleep.我正想睡一会儿You must stop worrying and try to get some sleep.你必须放下心来睡一会儿They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day.他们会在一天中最炎热的时刻小睡一会儿At the least, I needed some sleep.起码我得睡一会儿I just want to crash out on the sofa.我只想在沙发上睡一会儿I felt rejuvenated after a nap and a shower.睡一会儿并冲了个澡之后,我感觉精神焕发。At the very least, I needed some sleep.起码我得睡一会儿You must be very tired. Try to sleep a little.你一定累坏了,努力睡一会儿吧。I'll have to get my head down for a bit before going out.我要先睡一会儿再出去。She went to her room to rest for a while.她回自己的房间去睡一会儿The kids will settle down after they've had a nap.孩子们睡一会儿之后就会安静下来。She took a nap every afternoon.她每天下午小睡一会儿She likes to have an afternoon nap.她喜欢在下午小睡一会儿You can kip down and get a bit of sleep.你可以躺下来睡一会儿She had departed upstairs for a lie-down.她去了楼上小睡一会儿I started feeling drowsy and decided to take a nap.我开始犯困了,决定小睡一会儿Try to get a bit of kip.尽量睡一会儿I felt very refreshed after taking a nap.睡一会儿后,我感觉精力非常充沛。If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope.要是我能睡一会儿,我就能够应付。He had too much to drink, and I'm letting him sleep it off.他喝得太多了,我让他睡一会儿以消除醉意。I usually take a nap after lunch.我午饭后通常要小睡一会儿You look like you could use a nap.你看起来需要小睡一会儿She laid the baby down for his nap.她把宝宝轻轻放下让他小睡一会儿He usually has forty winks going home on the train.他在返家的火车上通常要小睡一会儿I'll have to finish the job, but I can catch up on some sleep tomorrow night.我得把工作干完,不过明天晚上可以补睡一会儿You could have a little sleep in the car.你可以在车里小睡一会儿She tucked the baby in his crib for a nap.她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿Try and get some sleep on the plane, then you'll arrive feeling fresh.尽量在飞机上睡一会儿,到达时就会有精神。You can go back to bed for a while if you want.要是你想睡的话,可以回床上再睡一会儿Give it a rest, will you? We're trying to get some sleep.你安静一下,好吗?我们想睡一会儿You can have a kip in the car on the way.路上你可以在车上睡一会儿You try to get some sleep, I'll see to the children's breakfast.你去睡一会儿,我来料理孩子们的早餐。They often have a lie-down in the afternoon.他们常在下午小睡一会儿Try to get some rest.想办法睡一会儿I'd just put Jack down for his nap.我刚把杰克放在床上让他小睡一会儿A short nap will refresh you.睡一会儿你就有精神。




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